Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Voyager1968, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. xsetra

    xsetra Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    Preventive measures to take.
    Wash hands frequently and cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Preferably not your hand.

    Go online look for masks to wear. Many are out of stock.
    News snipet today. Mortality rate is 1.4% in China.
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  3. truckdriver31

    truckdriver31 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    fist bumps during cold and flu season
    Muskie, Just passing by and D.Tibbitt Thank this.
  4. Boom Tube

    Boom Tube Light Load Member

    Sep 24, 2019
    Corona is a nothing burger. A little over 3% of cases have been fatal (despite not even being prepared for this new strain), about the same of those actually hospitalized by the average flu. The media makes it seem like the sky is falling.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2020
  5. craig_sez

    craig_sez Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2013
    Even those r95 masks dont do much for you..Yes they are a lil help but barely worth it..Let say the bug is floating around and your wearing a mask....Whats still exposed..Any big/smal cuts on your skin,eyes and ears...So in all honesty its only stopping the absolute easiest way of invadeing your body...Last i did hear was that a cure is atleast a yr away and that there were approx 800 n change cases of the bug in usa and all were in a cpl military bases under quarantine..
    Just be smart around people.who dont.wash hands after being in the crapper,people with colds and such..
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  6. skellr

    skellr Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    The Village, Portmeirion
    Wait, what?

    How many passengers are on a bus sharing the same breathing space for how many hours? And end up stopping at Loves .
    to boot.
    Not sure I see your logic on that decision.
  7. Bakerman

    Bakerman Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2013
    Phoenix, AZ
    looks like it made its way to Mexico. lol
    Opus, autopaint, Swedish Chef and 9 others Thank this.
  8. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Here is a article that clears up some of the problems vs coronavirus that causes COVID-19

    How Airlines Are Disinfecting Planes After Coronavirus

    The cleaning product of choice. TB3 June2015.pdf

    In trucking I used 10% bleach in a spray solution such as pinesol Once the tractor's interior is disinfected weekly there is no apparent problems when two of us are in there 24/7 and rolling. The biggest threat is the shower environment among other things.

    Masks do not prevent virus itself from being breathed in. It might say N95 on the package but viruses will just flow right through. SOME biological stuff is prevented. But not everything. I am working on locating masks that are capable of stopping viruses from passing through. But might as well just not worry about it.

    I survived H1N1 in January took me 3 weeks with Tamiflu for 5 days that was probably the difference between life and death. I had about a day and change in which the brain was attacked by the H1n1 and created big problems in my world. don't know the name and don't remember how to do basic chores among other problems. I had someone check on me regularly during that time and would have gone back if it went deeper than it did.

    Even today it's almost two or three months in and I am not 100% Springtime is coming fast its essentially already here seeing how the trees and perennials are coming up in growing. My Ex actually got infected from me directly with H1n1 however her flu shot came from Uncle Sam and her system fought it off in less than a week. My flu shot previously was no good. The formal name was Type A influenzia. And the ER doctor laughed when asked if Flu shot helped at all. No way. Not for what you got. (There are subsets by number in testing so whatever it is it was tough)

    I do not live in fear of this virus. If you were to examine a range of dangerous possibilities in the world that can infect you but good you might scare yourself.

    A very long time ago I escaped from my room through one of the older 60's era crank systems which would swing the glass out so easy out from the floor but 3 feet above the ground not so easy to get back in. So I (I was almost two...) tried the front door. It was locked. My mother heard it thought it was a cat. Some cat. ANYway... father walks onto my back on his way to work the next morning.

    In that terrain close to the Bay in that time of the year I was completely and absolutely covered in Mosquitos drawing blood everywhere. The hospital downtown needed a week to win the battle within my immune system and other problems related to that particular spread by those bugs.

    In Arkansas information flows really fast. Earlier today we had a lady in Court at Mayflower between Conway and Little Rock (*A tiny town about 2000 souls) she vomited in that courtroom. The judge threw everyone out and ordered the building quarintined and the female shipped straight to one of the big hospitals pronto. Probably UAMS. (Our best, they have everything there in addition to being a level 1 trauma center)

    About 20 minutes after that I got the word in our news media THV 11. By the time I finished the necessary assembling of details from several sources to post here they had changed the situation that the female made up the story and was absolutely cleared of the virus itself. Its either flu, withdrawal symptoms or food issue. Or even sick to stomach about whats going to happen to her on drug charges. Anyway Charges are pending against her for making up a virus scare that caused the state to spin up from ADH (Arkansas Dept of Health all the way down) and upwards to CDC and even to the airline on which the travel supposidely happened (Not sure if it did or not) but that particular flight, everyone on that flight, their names and so forth are brought up for battle to trace the virus and see which of them are or were sick.) You can imagine the chaos as people worked really fast to get this thing corralled.

    All because someone made up a lie.

    We will know more about this so called scare tomorrow or as time goes by. The DA will have to decide what charges to make.
    D.Tibbitt and Dave_in_AZ Thank this.
  9. VA CDL Holder

    VA CDL Holder Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2011
    I'm coming back from Asia next week to resume my driving adventures. I've been taking the normal multivitamin and an additional 2000 milligrams of vitamin C everyday. Wash hands frequently and stay away from areas where lots of people are inside. Also get at least 15 minutes of sunlight everyday to promote vitamin D production in your body.
    Joeallen, cybill234 and Cabinover101 Thank this.
  10. CrappieJunkie

    CrappieJunkie Wishin' I was fishin'

    Mar 9, 2014
    In a van down by the River.
    CDC says not to wear masks unless sick or dealing directly with the sick
  11. 6wheeler

    6wheeler Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    It might be a good time to invest in stock in hand sanitizer and other related products, who know they might be the one behind this after all
    PE_T Thanks this.
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