Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Voyager1968, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Viruses are not bacteria. Whatever works against bacteria will not kill virus.

    There was a paper published this week where the coronavirus itself is equipped with a particular receptor that wants to mate with human receptors in our airways among other places. The engine for that connection is actually based on HIV technology that virus type group uses to spread. So the thinking is if you bring in antivirals that fight HIV and cover those enemy receptors so the virus must die unable to replicate then thats that for the illness.

    I did research virus groups in the world and all I did was just scare myself. The human body has a army inside of it in form of the immune system. 70% of that is our own gut. If our stomach finds something that is not right or actually poison, we get sick as needed to get rid of it by throwing up for example. Or it will in the case of Norovirus dump it out the number two while you are vomiting on the other end.

    If something was to invade the body and try to kill me? Im ok with that. We will live or die according to God's will. We are in his hands, we all have a number to our days. A beginning and a ending. Where I am death is routine several times a year from friends who are already pretty sick late in life. I would prefer not to go out any time soon because there is still a sort of small list of things yet to do and people to take care of. But we don't all get to finish that list. Not always.

    When you dispose of the worry, the fear and the emotional problems of something like say a childhood monster in the closet or under the bed at night... you find that you will do well and when you do well, everything else falls into place one way or another. But do keep track of it and learn what you can. The "Spanish Flu" of the 1918 is a very good starting point. Killed 50+ millions. Stacked people three deep by the warehouseful and so on.

    However I find that racism, xenophobia of chinese and other things related to the endless media harping about the coronavirus scare etc has started to affect our society. You will find people less inclined to deal with those they are afraid of in public for fear of catching whatever it is. Cooties to use a old schoolhouse term. Its silly. Then again it's not silly.

    So you can learn and do well and carry on or you can bunker down surrounded by pallets of canned food never to see the sun for 5 years. Thats not living.
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  3. craig_sez

    craig_sez Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2013
    Never said the flu is a cold..Its a glorified cold..more potient..
    Yeap your right on the dom virius but how many times does it mutate between the vaccine developement and distribution..Like i said its russian roulette cause no one know for sure,nothin more than a guess no matter what the dom version is...The flu vaccine only covers a few versions of the over 200 versions out there....
    Even with cancer and my immune system workin over time i will not get the shot for a just incase that i might get that 1 outta 200 bug
  4. sdaniel

    sdaniel Road Train Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Pelham N.C.
    Just a little prospective, 65,000 people died from Flu in the US last year . 27,000 of the 85,000 people infected are back healthy and virus free. Time will tell .
  5. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    12000 dead so far this season from the range of flus. I survived H1n1 which is a lethal killer. The last time I was bad sick to the point of considering end of life was during a strep A infection one week as a teen in school of all places. They isolated me for 6 days. The fever broke on the 10th day approaching 104 at times. They had to test many in the dorm to be sure THEY don't have it what I had being infectious around 300 children that year. So they all got tested pronto no expense spared.

    Arkansas lost another 9 last week. Up to 65 dead so far since 1 jan. this season will rage for another 5 weeks or so. and provided we have no other complications or problems we will be ok.

    I leave you with one last thought.

    There are enough people now failing to vaccinate as necessary. So some of the oldest and most destructive killers from about 1950 on back are returning again. If it does not kill someone, it will hurt the person in a number of ways or cripple them for life. Its unnecessary.

    In my family across the board its going to be either lukemia, respitory failure or stroke. One of the three. Any other death becomes a interesting one because it's not part of the usual expected death given enough years to live. We had one lost at 6 in the 40's when a infection reached his brain from a Skeeter bite. (There is a big name associated with that type of infection, I don't have it right off hand) but it killed him in a couple of days stone dead. We still remember him. What a loss. Thats one of the reasons my own survival after being buried in them one night was a miracle.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2020
    Rocks and Odin's Rabid Dog Thank this.
  6. craig_sez

    craig_sez Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2013
    If i remember correctly,when the air warms and dries alot of it will die anyways..How long till that happens,not long now..
    Even with my lowered immune system i try to eat well(my lil trucker belly still argues with me alot) and when im tired i sleep till i naturally wake up...Positive attitude to helps instead of being on the couch complaining to your mom/girlfriend/wife although we do wear out quicker when sick..
    Rocks and x1Heavy Thank this.
  7. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    I don't know.

    I will have to go back and recheck, but when Singapore reported this virus, their average temperature was 90.

    I'll go back and check that weather data right now.

    its close to 90 for months, all winter essentially.

    Singapore climate: average weather, temperature, precipitation, best time
    Numb Thanks this.
  8. craig_sez

    craig_sez Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2013
    Flu not the corona..
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
  9. not4hire

    not4hire Road Train Member

    May 16, 2012
    That's 40-60 times higher mortality rate than the average flu.

    So, yeah, a something burger.
    gentleroger and Odin's Rabid Dog Thank this.
  10. Boom Tube

    Boom Tube Light Load Member

    Sep 24, 2019
    I went back to my source and realized it was the death rate for those actually hospitalized by the flu. The internet lied to me.
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
  11. Rocks

    Rocks Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2008
    Hey... have you become "inspired" somehow by those posts from the "What if it Snows" lately...? :biggrin_25523:

    Never mind... picking on you... stay safe out there driver...
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2020
    x1Heavy and Wasted Thyme Thank this.
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