Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Voyager1968, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. Rocks

    Rocks Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2008
    I am in Brasil right now.... and will be going to the USA sometime soon... hope I don't get a cough or something during my travel.... don't want to be quarantine on my return... :biggrin_25523:
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  3. Wasted Thyme

    Wasted Thyme Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2020
    GOAT watching
    might get quarantined on the way in with a cough. lol
    x1Heavy and Rocks Thank this.
  4. GrandmaRosa

    GrandmaRosa Light Load Member

    Feb 8, 2020
    It was announced that coronavirus may now be in Brazil.
    Rocks Thanks this.
  5. Rocks

    Rocks Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2008
    Yeah... I heard that... one case so far...
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
  6. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Im pretty sure he would have been, as any proper American Trucker would be. Had a chrome girl on a mudflap for a while. Cannot imagine the PC society we live in that would not put up with that today. Its gone crazy.

    If I ever get to sea, I would have to find a good shirt because there is extensive surgery work on the body and it's not good to look at anyway. However your pictures are pretty good seeing that the people appear to enjoy life and not so much as being busy gathering money at work so much here.
    Rocks Thanks this.
  7. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    My ex asked about billing.

    I googled it and it appears that a up or down test for COVID19 (A name for those formally sick from Coronavirus) is about 4000 dollars. Doctors and nurses generally bill 1000 or so. ER's or hospital for the visit will run thousands depending on level of response. My last one with the crisis of the broken joint and they deemed it life threatening had 20 people on hand. 6 nurses 2 doctors and the rest essentially interns and muscle rounded up as needed for the battle once i got there. The billing insurance paid on that night was about 7000 flat. Just for the ER. And another three thousand for the rest.

    Alot of people are choosing to simply stay home. If they die at home then the funeral home has to process and transfer the body under quarantine. And everyone there will have to be tested and then quarantined.

    If you are sick and admitted, ICU care starts at 20,000 a day. Upwards of 40,000 d day is possible. So after say two or three weeks it's a cool 300,000 dollar bill. Minus medicines, labs and staff billing to come later.

    In China as of early Jan, all billing goes to the State. The Nation makes those bills go away. Poof. Paid.
    Rocks Thanks this.
  8. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    On average annually 65K Americans die from the common flu, no one bats an eye, not one death in the U.S. yet but the media is acting like it’s the end times.
  9. Wasted Thyme

    Wasted Thyme Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2020
    GOAT watching
    you realize, as a number this flu season 26 million sick and 14,000 deaths. That is .05% fatality rate, this season. Where the coronavirus has killed 2,000 out of more than 75,000 illnesses. That is a bit over 5% fatality rate. (data from article 8 days ago, math by me). Seems a bit worst than you would consider.

    However, more for your poorer countries. Why? New strain, no built up resistance, and poorer health care/medical care. So yeah, this ain't the plague, but it isn't gonna be nice either.
  10. Odin's Rabid Dog

    Odin's Rabid Dog Heavy Load Member

    May 6, 2018
    NW MT
    Aw, don't worry. 45 says this strain of coronavirus will burn out by April. Praise the lawd!
    Just passing by Thanks this.
  11. TruckChicken

    TruckChicken Light Load Member

    Mar 16, 2018
    Average flu kills .1% if Coronavirus kills 2% that means it’s 20 times more deadly.
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