Looking at 1.3 million people if Coronavirus hits. So yeah guess it’s a bigger deal than just the flu.
Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Voyager1968, Feb 26, 2020.
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California is currently monitoring 8,400 that may be infected.
Hawaii reported panic buying out of toilet paper, hand sanitizer and so forth.
D.Tibbitt and Odin's Rabid Dog Thank this. -
MaineDon, Rideandrepair, Rocks and 6 others Thank this.
Muddydog79 and Rideandrepair Thank this.
Well let's see. US population, rounded down is 329 Million people. If you use the low number of the WHO on mortality of .7%. You'd end up with 2.3 million deaths in the US. If you go by other data, the real mortality rate is around 2.3%. Which if this is correct, you are looking at 7.5 Million deaths in the US. (Source)
Coronavirus fatality rates vary wildly depending on age, gender and medical history — some patients fare much worse than othersTruckChicken and Odin's Rabid Dog Thank this. -
Lumper Humper and Rideandrepair Thank this.
There are not any test kits for the virus, so the real number is being suppressed. If there is no test, no one is diagnosed and they can keep the "official" numbers down.
Stock up on vitamin C, potassium iodine, magnesium citrat e and D3 K2 ; or don't, it's up to you to keep your immune system up. As truckers we are generally isolated, to a large degree, compared to many other jobs. Picking up and delivering usually only involves a few people. The real problem area is using the truck stop crapper.nredfor88, Rideandrepair, Just passing by and 1 other person Thank this. -
Rideandrepair Thanks this.
Rideandrepair Thanks this.
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