Cost of school/length of contract

Discussion in 'Millis' started by Alabamaspirit, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. Hitman

    Hitman Mr. Gamer

    Sep 5, 2006
    Tioga, PA
    I've been researching Millis for the last 2 years. I've read very few complaints about the company. I was actually getting alot of info from another site that had a Millis recruiting forum, but for some reason the forum just died and hardly anyone posts there anylonger. Glad to see some action here. I retired from GM in 2007 and living the retired life, but if they end up going bankrupt next year, i'm going to pursue my lifelong dream and drive. I'm selling my house here in Delaware and moving to upstate PA...and hopefully be mortgage free...this coming spring. I will be about 90 min. from Millis's Weedsport N.Y terminal. Best of luck to you with your trainer...looking forward to hearing how it goes.
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  3. Alabamaspirit

    Alabamaspirit Light Load Member

    Thanks for the info Sketch. I have the agreement and the Promissory Note here in front of me and cannot see how it comes to $5000. Did you know this before you went or was told to you at training? This is the only thing that has confused me :smt120 I like everything I have heard about Millis. Once again Thanks for the info and Merry Christmas.
  4. sketch

    sketch Light Load Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    oak grove, ky
    You might have the old promissory note, it was just 2500. I knew about the note before I left for school, so there was no surprise to me. Or now that its the start of a new year they may have revamped it. I don't know for sure. I know that I signed basically a 2 year note. I haven't been here long but know that I'm here for the long haul. Once again good luck and Merry Christmas!
    Alabamaspirit Thanks this.
  5. srick773

    srick773 Light Load Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    Augusta, Georgia
    ok, here is the deal with the promisary note. At one point they were only charging 2500 for a one year contract. the problem they had was people were going threw training get there license and quiting, thereby getting truck training for only 2500 dollars and most schools were charging 5 to 6 grand. so they went to one year and owing 2500 for the one year. then you have to stay for 2 years or owe an additional 2500 but they only charge for one year. so essentially if you go to millis stay just to get your license, then you owe 5000. but you you stay they only charge you 2500. they do this to keep so many people from job hopping so much. So the way it goes is, they only take 20 bucks a week for one year. the last year they dont charge anything so it's only a one year contract, but if you leave after one year you still owe 2500, but if you stay two years you don't owe anything. hope this helps, or maybe i confused you further.
    Baack and Alabamaspirit Thank this.
  6. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    I wouldn't be comfortable with a contract like that in today's economy . Millis is a good company but a lot of their work is hauling Budweiser bottles . With the Anheuser Bush buyout what guarantee is there that contract will provide that work for 2 years ?
  7. sketch

    sketch Light Load Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    oak grove, ky
    there isn't one, but budweiser isn't the only thing they haul.
  8. 8nbait

    8nbait Bobtail Member

    Nov 20, 2008
    littleton, nh
    Isn't $20 a week for one year $1,040.00? Plus the $500 up front, only $1,540.00. Is this correct? If so that doesn't sound too bad. Also the training period pays pretty good so you make up some extra money there.

    I was all set to go with Millis until I found it was a 2 year contract or you owe them $5,000. I heard of a few people that were let go after training, maybe they deserved it, maybe not but I wasn't going on the hook for 2 years. I can handle just about anything for 1 year but 2 was too much if it ended up being a bad job. I decided to go with Roehl which will be payed for by them after 120,000 miles. I pay about $550 up front for the room and training then took a loan from them for $2800 with a paying job after 18 days.
  9. Alabamaspirit

    Alabamaspirit Light Load Member

    I have been reading this forum and everything else I can find and I have heard good and bad about every company. The Covenant HQ is about 40 mins. away and the Millis terminal in Cartersville, GA is about 2 hrs away. After about 5 mins on this forum, I ruled Covenant out. I have heard more good than bad about Millis, so I picked them. I know the pros and cons about company training, but I do not job hop, the last job I had for 20 yrs (yarn mill that shut down Dec. 9) I know everyone says, now is not the right time to start driving, but right now is not the best time to find any new job, so I pick one and do the best I can. Thanks to everyone for all the info......I head to Cartersville, March 2. Stay safe and Happy New Year
  10. Lilbit

    Lilbit Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Let me check my logbook
    Good luck with it and keep us posted!
  11. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    I know that isn't all they haul but loss of that work would put a lot of their drivers out of work . Inbev is known for slashing costs . It wouldn't surprise me to see Schneider or U.S. Xpress try to cut the rate and take the work from Millis .
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