Covenant Transport driver named to National Safety Board

Discussion in 'Covenant' started by Alabamaspirit, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. Alabamaspirit

    Alabamaspirit Light Load Member

    Covenant Transport Driver Named to National Safety Board

    Submitted by WDEF on January 19, 2009 - 7:05pm. News

    The American Trucking Association names a Covenant Transport driver as America's Road Team Captain.
    Frank Silio beat out thousands of other people across the country.
    There are 18 members on the Road Team.
    It's a national public outreach program sponsored by Volvo Trucks.
    Silio and others will represent the trucking industry at events around the nation.
    He's been with Covenant since 2003 and is based in Miami, Florida.
    Frank Silio\Master Trainer:
    "It's actually a humbling honor, it's taken a long time to get to where I am now, driving accident free for so many years and representing the industry and promoting highway safety that's really what it's all about."
    Doug Cook, V-P of Safety at Covenant Transport, also received the 2008 National Safety Director of the Year Award.
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