CR England- continual practice of deception and theft

Discussion in 'CR England' started by ronin, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    Just finished a lease and left. I'm still having a hard time believing the fraud and theft that I've seen. I mean, I know lots of companies think that drivers are just uneducated morons, so they take advantage of them, but sheesh.

    In addition to the unbelievable things that are not disclosed, like variable truck speeds that allow some people to make much more than others...there's the interesting situation with depleting my entire really sums up what they're about. I ran 109,000 miles (103,000 paid) in 6 months, averaged only $488 net per week...and then when I have $5400 in reserves when I was done...guess how much my "repair" bill was....

    Bingo - $5,438! I had one of the cleanest trucks in the fleet,...hand-waxed it, the interior was spotless, and based on a scrape that was there when i got the truck (noted on the initial inspection sheet)...they did a $1,234 repair on a fender. It literally needed NOTHING. And this happens to just about everyone, it seems, from talking to friends who have been there.

    I wonder...if good ol' hardworking Chester R. England were around today, would he fire his entire staff for what CRE does to its drivers??
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  3. Beechvtail

    Beechvtail Light Load Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Wisconsin Rapids, WI
    These leases are nothing but the Bernie Madoff scams of our era.

    Drivers do not under any reason EVER LEASE a TRUCK from the COMPANY.

    I can guarantee you will regret you ever did this.
  4. fool4jesus

    fool4jesus Bobtail Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    Hinton, OK.
    I have had 6 leases in 10 years. 13 years total, OTR. Every lease ended for the same one would make that one call on Friday that would've given me 3000-3400 miles for the week. One company, Bisson out of Maine, sued me for over $6000. I went to court, the Judge listened to my story, and he ordered their lawyer to give me the names of all the other drivers that were starved out, so we could start a Class Action whatever. 3 days later I got a letter asking if I wanted to drop the suit. I did and they went home in defeat. I felt like I'd just won a million bucks. I won. These companies are all the same. They all hate drivers and they think they deserve our gravy miles. You know...the ones at the end of the week to hit 70 hours with. May they all rot in hell. I need a job. Anyone know of one around OKC? Thanks for your time.

  5. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    Freymiller in OKC was hiring several months back when I talked to them. Heard good and bad about them. My son and daughter were there, and had I not started my frieght brokerage in Idaho, I'd be in OKC.
  6. badsey

    badsey Medium Load Member

    Oct 9, 2007
    Green Bay, WI
    If you stay away from the Ponzi schemes, fleeces, and cash advances -a good OTR company trucker will make $1000+ a week. An O/O maybe twice that.
  7. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    Where are you working? I want to see a grand a week in this economy, in the present day, from any of the major companies.
  8. Peanut Butter

    Peanut Butter Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    PO Dunk Idaho
    And people read these threads and still go to places like CR England and do the lease, will they ever learn? The only place that the lease seems to work for anyone is with JCT, but then it seems everyone is trying to go there and its flooding them with drivers.
  9. Sad_Panda

    Sad_Panda Road Train Member

    Dec 2, 2006
    You mean "lucky".
  10. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    I took a good friend's word for it on CRE....too bad they suck at math.
  11. badsey

    badsey Medium Load Member

    Oct 9, 2007
    Green Bay, WI
    If you look at it from CRE's perspective, -they feel that it is their money and you are trying to steal from them. +Money is tight right now +We must get this truck into another fleecer's hand as soon as possible.

    My perspective: It's a fleece, and a fleece is generally made in favor of the company. I honestly don't understand how many of you fleecers make it, but I have seen 2-3-4? fleecers get out of a truck. -It's a numbers (musical chairs) game I guess.
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