CR England- continual practice of deception and theft

Discussion in 'CR England' started by ronin, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. Rattlebunny

    Rattlebunny Medium Load Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    Elkton, VA
    Right. But then if I could get a job out of Maine I wouldn't be watching trash TV. Anyway.

    See, having never seen a settlement (that's not doctored to show abnormally good numbers) I have nothing to go but their claims. Everyone wants to warn us that they suck, but no one will show an actual settlement. And a lot of the others didn't work for them or only stayed for a couple of weeks and are jumping to the negativity band wagon.

    If the settlement is that f*&ked I'll be the first one to turn tail and run. He11, I'll go back to driving a cab like I did in the 80's. But forgive me if I have to see it with my own eyes, and I'm not even from Missouri.

    From where I sit $1100 is a lot better than zero. But then I've been out of work since February. I'm happy for you that you are doing so well that you can scoff at the scraps the rest of us are left to fight for. :biggrin_2552:

    You want to test you math skills against mine, that's great, but level the playing field first and show me a settlement.

    Have a great day, and try to find something to be positive about.
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  3. Rollover the Original

    Rollover the Original Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2009
    Rattlebunny: Call OOIDA or go to their website and ask them. They will tell you all about most of the fleece oops lease plans out there and tell you how deep the pile of poo is you're stepping in! Join them for $45 a year and get some of those helping benifits they have for you also
  4. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    No one is trying to put you down. Just seen these baztards fleece people like you for many years. They are professionals at it. When you have been on the road for about 3 months and realize you are getting about $3.00 an hour you will realize that they suck. Not to mention thinking you have say $1375 coming and finding out that you owe them for the week because they say so. You're not the 1st and you won't be the last to come here and think they can beat the CRE scam. If things are that bad I would load up and head out to greener pastures. Or be out every day trying to get rid of Barney's Frank and the rest of those Bozos who have the state so screwed up. The owner of this forum started it to point out to rookie and veteran drivers the bad apples as well as the good. CRE is consistantly the worst. I wish you luck on what ever you decide to do.
  5. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    Best of Luck.
    Be sure to come back in 90 days and give us an update. Perhaps you Will be the one to make it, everyone else thought they would.........
  6. momofdriver

    momofdriver Bobtail Member

    Oct 31, 2009
    My son had a similar experience. After 1800 miles/4days of work, he was paid $70.00
  7. Rattlebunny

    Rattlebunny Medium Load Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    Elkton, VA
    I'm not suggesting that I have anything over anyone else, but in my current situation if I can keep it on the positive side and scrape by for a years worth experience then I can move on to something better. Do I want to go work for them? No. But I'm in northern Maine, and there aren't a lot of options here. They are literally to only company to even hint at giving me a shot. Even though I'm rehireable at Stevens, they passed because getting me home in Maine is next to impossible.

    So, what do I do? I can't afford to move, and I at least have a CDL in Maine that's good until 2014. I only have so much to work with.

    Any suggestions are welcome, but I already know how you guys feel about fleacing. But I wouldn't be able to sleep with someone at the wheel I didn't trust, and the fights that would happen when the partner wants to hang out an play video games would be legendary.

    What can I say, I have a strong work ethic and believe that if you have time on your log and miles to run you shouldn't be hanging out feeding quarters into a machine. :biggrin_25523:
  8. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    Seems you found that spot between the rock and the hard place !! Do what ya gotta do, I guess.. Good Luck !!
  9. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    Rattlebunny, if you read my first posts, you'd know that I only ran solo for ONE month, and the rest of the time was with a trainee or my wife.
  10. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    $1100 for 5,000 miles is 22 cents per mile, which is roughly 2/3 what any beginner can make pretty much anywhere as a company driver, and about HALF what a team could make anywhere else.

    For example. GOOD pay is what my wife and I got at Southern Cal Transport - we averaged 5500-6000 miles a week until they merged with another company and freight got sporadic, and at times, scarce.

    We made 41 cents per mile, so a check would be $2,050 on that same 5,000 miles.
  11. Rattlebunny

    Rattlebunny Medium Load Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    Elkton, VA
    Came to that one later on, sorry, but I was responding to your first post. I didn't mean to step on your toes, but I had heard claims like that from trainers on the Yard in Dallas for Stevens. It's amazing what BS those folks will sling just to make the fleece for Stevens more attractive. But I digress, I'd still like a look at one of your settlements if you don't mind ... not for arguing, but for my own research. I want to see just exactly what I'm getting into.

    I'm not a trainer, don't have the patience or the temperment. My wife isn't a driver, and I really don't want to team. So if CRE is my only option, and right now it is, I could really use some definite information.

    I can find a way to get you an e-mail address if that's better, but I can't PM yet. Need to get in a few more posts.

    Thanks for taking the time.
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