CR England journal

Discussion in 'CR England' started by fordmd45, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. 48Packard

    48Packard Ol' Two-stop Shag!

    Apr 19, 2009
    Could be anywhere
    Oh, swell...I can see it now....

    The CRE agility test: how far can you bend over?
    scottied67 and harleymanjax Thank this.
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  3. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    That's pretty much it... and I'll add again... 109,000 miles, and together, we made 17 cpm.
  4. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Well, I don't know what you did differently but our results are hardly the same.

    Sorry it didn't work out for you. I would ask what happened, but no offense, I really don't care. What your relationship with England was is your business, not mine and between you and them.
  5. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    I worked my tail off, WE worked our tails off, I trained a trainee, and then my wife came on board. We were selected for PODS dedicated, pulling a flatbed. Cool gig, except for a 62 mph truck and e-logs... averaged 4,200 miles per week.. took VERY little time off, and netted right at $350 a week EACH. $700 for 4200 miles...

    And if you want to argue, or blow more smoke up these people's butts, I'll post every single settlement here, AND the $5400 they sucked out of my maintenance account, esentially rebuilding and repainting a truck that was in literally perfect shape, except for a $140 window (frame broke) and a cupholder.

    Whether you care about me nor mot, I could care less - what I DO care about is people who work for CRE posting on here how great it is, and sucking in more victims - I highly doubt that anyone with anything positive to say about them would be a driver - more like a staff poser dropping flowers and sunshine...
  6. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    We ran little over 5000 last week and took home 1300. That's even running otr reefer at 90 a mile. Plus, that's also after the 19% to the tax fund and a fairly healthy amount to the downtime fund.

    Don't know what you did different but with us its way different from what you describe.

    I'm not blowing any smoke up anyone's rearend and to be quite honest, I wasn't arguing.

    Never said I did or didnt. I said I really didn't care about your experience with England.


    For one, I never said anything about how great it is! You assumed that all on your own! Two, Why is it every rant only includes the bad about the OTHER party? Oh wait, I know why, most people would never decredify themselves on purpose, especially on a web forum where the only means of contact is through a keyboard....... funny how that works, huh?

    Look, I'm not saying you brought down your own empire, nor am I saying England was totally and completely at fault.

    As I said, I don't know and I don't care.

    It's just amazing out of all the complaints, nobody mentions anything about themselves. It s hard to believe England would treat such hard working and honest drivers like that. Especially when all them honest and hard working drivers are making them money. Get my drift?

    How do I know you're not some recruiter for Swift tryin to lure drivers away?
  7. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    No, not involved in the trucking industry, I just like talking about it and my experiences. I've gone back to my former line of work, feel free to check my websites..

    You'd better bet your sweet potatoes, though, that'll I'll drop my experiences with England, which seem to be exactly on par with 95% of the people posting about CRE.. every chance I get to hopefully steer folks in another direction.
  8. carrot top

    carrot top Light Load Member

    Nov 19, 2007
    greenville, sc
    no staff poser here, I was a driver at cr England. I work for a local company now. and Evan tho I was let go for an accident, I don't have anything bad to say about them and how I was treated. my dac report says I had a satisfactory work record and I was rehire-able apon review.
    I did make money there I had posted my settlements in other posts.

    one of the problems with the pod div is the locations, they set there own hours and would be closed most of the time a driver showed up sometimes at noon. 62 just wasn't fast enough to get there. I know this because of a couple I trained and another person that had a team partner that lived down the street from him that i trained. the company is in the proses of changing to company solo for the pod div. (so I was told by the couple that went back to national otr)
  9. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Ah, so the merit is apparent since you're posting the same material as all the other dissatisfied drivers and that when a few drivers say their experience was totally opposite, their responses don't mean squat? Am I reading you correctly?

    As far as that last part, go ahead and steer away. I really don't care who works for England and what anybody's poor opinion of them is.
  10. 77_SG

    77_SG Bobtail Member

    May 3, 2011
    houston, tx

    Not here to bash England. England used trainees as cheap team drivers. This isn't right. I went to England in late 2000 after school graduation. (not England's school). I had 2 trainers who did an exceptional job. At that time you had to complete 25,000 miles of training. The problem was the company, not the trainers. My first trainer had a Stouffer dedicated run from Springville, UT to Streetsboro, OH. Approximately 3400 miles round trip. Drop and hook. After the 3rd day with the trainer, we were basically running as a team. Drop in Springville, bobtail back to SLC. I would sit at the terminal for 3 days, then go back out. Not happy, so I quit.

    England calls me at the house, wanting me back. They promised better training. Dumb me, I agree. I ended up in Mira Loma, CA. This trainer also ran dedicated from El Monte, CA to Atlanta, GA. We would leave CA Tuesday night around 11:00 PM and drop in Atlanta on Thursday afternoon. Sit at the T/A until 4:00 PM Friday, pick up a loaded dry van (owned by some freight management outfit). Arrive in El Monte around noon. Bobtail to the truckstop. There I would sit until Tuesday night. My trainer went home. I gave up and quit. Went with a respected carrier.
    Recieved the proper training. Mountain driving, plenty of backing, etc. I was there untill last year. Quit OTR and now I pull a rock bucket. The pay isn't that good, but a local gig is nice. Sleep in your own bed each night...... :biggrin_25518:
  11. fordmd45

    fordmd45 Bobtail Member

    Mar 11, 2011
    Portsmouth Va.
    If you don't mind... Adults are conversing here.
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