Cr England lease

Discussion in 'CR England' started by bre1979, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. bre1979

    bre1979 Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    pasco wa
    Can you really make it as a solo driver. I just want to run solo, no training for me or teaming. I live in the northwest and i see them all over the roads here.
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  3. Biker

    Biker Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2008
    Tampa, FL
    As a company driver, yes. Leasing?? Not in today's economy!
    Brickman Thanks this.
  4. joselupito

    joselupito Bobtail Member

    Jun 25, 2008
    edinburg tx.
    wy bather. This company is the worst, specially if you get a richard holm as a DM. you will better off if you get a taxi in a desert town!!!!
    Big Duker Thanks this.
  5. bre1979

    bre1979 Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    pasco wa
    Okay explain your story, what happened to you.
  6. truckermario

    truckermario Road Train Member

    Sep 24, 2006
    School payments to take care of. Truck payments in the upper 600s. Fuel cap is a ripoff. It's NOT a better deal compared to a proper fuel surcharge. C. R. England is only interested in ripping you off!
    Big Duker Thanks this.
  7. bre1979

    bre1979 Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    pasco wa
    Ahh, the truck payments are only 443.00 to 480.00 a week and yes this has been confirmed by site and by richard in the lease dept. No school payments for me and no school payments if you lease. Who are you driving for mario?
  8. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    Mario is 100% correct. And it is not a truck payment , it is a lease payment. You are paying for their truck. You can go to FL and buy a used truck for 1500. a month and actually make some money instead of getting ripped off by CR England. But many still drink their KoolAid and listen to what their recruiters spew out instead of what their actual victims post here on a regular basis.:biggrin_25513:
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  9. truckermario

    truckermario Road Train Member

    Sep 24, 2006
    Well looks like somethings have changed since I was there last, then. My truck payments were obscene. It's still better to buy your own truck from an outside vendor. Preferably used. With C. R. England, they don't want you to own that truck. I don't drive for anybody currently. Con-way let me go not too long ago.:biggrin_2558:

    I'm eyeballing an old International, though.:biggrin_25525:
  10. bre1979

    bre1979 Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    pasco wa
    Well then how did my friend warren make it there? He didnt run illegal, he didnt starve, didnt lose his house or his wife and it help his credit score. I'm just askin all these questions just to make sure i kinda get a ball park on they are. I can ever route you to his blog if you so choose and see where england helped him get to where he is now.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  11. Biker

    Biker Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2008
    Tampa, FL
    In today's economic times, it doesn't make sense to lease a truck. You either purchase outright, or just sign on as a company driver. Me? I don't need the payments, so I'm sticking to the company driver route.
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