Cr England lease

Discussion in 'CR England' started by bre1979, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    Don't worry about the lodging. CRE is famous for it's fine accommodations. Every one gets a double. That's you and two other couples in 2 beds.:biggrin_2559:
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  3. jmmate

    jmmate Light Load Member

    Dec 20, 2008

    it is kinda long and somewhat boring. you have to be very patient. they move very slow.
    sunday- physical and drug test and minor misc
    monday-classroom, paperwork, etc
    tuesday-classroom, paperwork, etc
    wednesday-classroom, get fuel cards etc
    if they put you in "sr" catagory, which means no recent varifiable tractor trailer experience then you will continue as
    thursday- yard, backing, and road driving
    friday- yard, backing, and road driving
    saturday-yard and backing, road driving and final road test

    if you are going to their school for cdl, i dont really know that. i just got out of my training on sunday. you will sit from 1 day-1week waiting on a trainer.
    phase 1 training is 30 days
    phase 2 training is 60 days
    between the two phases you "might" have 1-2 days of home time. (this is your upgrade phase you have to do at the terminal then you can go home for the 1-2 days) this home time may very.

    they are no longer doing solo company. anyother questions ill try to answer. just let me know
    Baack Thanks this.
  4. jmmate

    jmmate Light Load Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    i was at the burns harbor indiana yard.
    it depends on where they put you . if they put you in the company owned hotel, it isnt very nice. if you are an "sr" as i described earlier, then they will put you in days inn, which is nice. it is 2 people to a room. i think we had 3 women in our class. the trainer i have is really good. knows her stuff, "yes i said her, i am a male with a female trainer" and gets miles. she is also a lease owner operator and does very well. i havent got to 2nd seat yet. ill let you know when i do.
    you have to be very very patient here, (and probably anywhere you go im sure). if you pay attention you can learn a lot. the instructors are very knowledgeable and real nice, just DONT INTERRUPT THEM. they are very particular about that.
    here are the catches.......
    the "refresher fee" just went up from 500.00 to 900.00 last week. (this is for "sr's" as i described earlier) also there is a 35.00 fee for physical and drug test. they will take this out of your check weekly at 55.00 a check.
    bring towels, pillows, sheets, blankets and food. bring food that you dont have to refrigerate or microwave. there might be frigs and micros to use but dont count on it. some trainers, like mine, wont let you use their appliances on their trucks.
    that is the best i can tell ya for now. let me know if you have any other questions.
  5. Owner's Operator

    Owner's Operator Medium Load Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Chicago IL
    Why not? That is ridicules.
  6. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    CRE is ridicules. Sounds more like survival training than professional driver training. But what else would you expect from this bunch.
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