Cr England lease

Discussion in 'CR England' started by bre1979, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    This forum was started by Wise One to expose the BAD companies and how they use and toss drivers to the side of the road. It is all just opinions. If your friend Warren made a go at CRE more power to him. But they are constantly at or near the top of the list of trucking companies here that have night mare stories posted about them. You are the one who has to take all this and make a decision for yourself. If you go with them we will all wish you the best of luck. But I think you will be fighting an uphill battle. Trucking is an uphill battle, but if the company you work for is willing to stick it to you at every turn it becomes darn near impossible to make a go of it. Good luck whatever you decide.:biggrin_25525:
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  3. bre1979

    bre1979 Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    pasco wa
    Who are you driving for now duke?
  4. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    I drive p/t for a friend. Has FL Columbia w/ 48' spread axle float. i mainly drive on weekends and mostly around Tx, LA OK. Most of his freight is oilfield. Lots of pipe. Some Containers with drilling chemicals and mud. Very little tarping which is fine with me. Used to have a lot of smaller drilling bits but a lot of that is being hot shotted out now. We go to Houston all the time. He has another FL FLD he keeps trying to get me to drive full time. I still own an a/c & heating business so I just help him when I can for now. If freight picks up I might go full time again. Flatbed freight in TX is good if you are willing to go OTR. He doesn't like long haul and i don't have the time now.
  5. bre1979

    bre1979 Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    pasco wa
  6. 59halfstep

    59halfstep Light Load Member

    Mar 17, 2008
    Brighton, MI
    It sounds as though grandma Debbi & Virgil has passed the CR Torch.

    Brickman Thanks this.
  7. bre1979

    bre1979 Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    pasco wa
    I dont know them nor their story, why cant anyone and it doesnt matter what company they work for someone on here has to be negative about every company.
    Hmm makes you wonder if they could hack it anywhere expect working for themselves. Yet you hear all the time any positive comments nope all trucking companies suck, roger that.....
  8. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    The industry as a whole sucks compared to what many of us remember from years past. As for CR England, don't take our word for it. Go to the Ripoff Report, the court system, etc. They are constantly getting VERY negative reviews and lots of lawsuits against them. All companies have problems and employees who gripe. But CRE is a bunch of crooks preying on people who find themselves in between a rock and a hard place. Just look at their advertising. No credit checks to lease $125,000 truck. Bad driving record OK. Felonies OK. This would be great if they were really trying to give folks who by their own wrong doings or just plain bad luck a helping hand up. But they are preying on the weak to help themselves and that is it. If the fools make us enough great. If they have problems screw em'. Fire em', ruin their DAC with the truth or lies. Makes no difference to them. Turn them over to credit agencies to make life more miserable. For every good CRE story there are 20 bad ones. No really good company has 100% turnover every year. Good people stay at good companies much longer.
    Their day will come. You can only stick it to folks so long. All the bullet proof glass and security guards will not protect them in the long run. i would like to see someone like 60 Minutes send someone to their school and shed a little light for the whole nation to see.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  9. bre1979

    bre1979 Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    pasco wa
    I dont recall any bullet proof glass lol, i did go up to the second floor a couple times to see how loads were done and what not on my own time and not with the class. They didnt give me any grief at all. I'm just sayin that some people that dont make it come on the boards and make up this huge story and its no where near the truth but you know that i'm sure, you seem to have done good for yourself. Did you ever get to talk to the lease guy lagrand richardson?
  10. rodekrew

    rodekrew Bobtail Member

    Oct 23, 2007
    I'm a company driver for them now i got to say I am making some money but not as much as I would like, and no where near enough to support a family on but im only doing this OTR stuff to get a local gig "it pays more ALOT MORE to work by the hour vs buy the mile" and the fact I'm away from my wife & kidz dont make it any easier but gotta pay ur dues to get with a local company they want at least 6 months to a year of commercial expeiriance before they will look at you. now if you are single got no real responcabilities then ya go for the lease"6 month " to see how u like it if its not for you then walk away and go company " BUT HURRY " they are only hiring company drivers till september then it will be nuthin but lease any body hired as a company driver will stay one but they will not be hiring any more. GOOD LUCK and dont believe anything England has to say they WILL RIP YOU OFF AT THE DROP OF A HAT !!!!!!!!!!
  11. Biker

    Biker Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2008
    Tampa, FL
    I'd actually recommend going company first before you even consider leasing. Even then you may find it's not to your liking. Was talking to a trainer last week and he said that he recommends at least a year as a company driver before jumping off the deep end and going with a lease/purchase. I tend to agree. Make the boo-boo's and learn the ropes on the company dime rather than your own dime.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
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