Cr England lease

Discussion in 'CR England' started by bre1979, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. InMyDreams

    InMyDreams Light Load Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Kingston, Wa

    bre i thought i wanted to do this too ... then i got smart and just plugged a bunch of these numbers into a spreadsheet and here's what i've got ... remember that 3250miles/week that they promise you at .90cpm? well, after you deduct all of your expenses, your cost of operation is 1973.13 with a gross profit (they call it income) of 951.87 out of which you'll still have to pay income tax. do you know what 951.87 is in terms of CPM? (951.87/3250= .293 cents per mile. ####, you can make the same thing at swift as a co. driver.

    Do you know what your profit margin % is? 22%. that can get eaten up awful fast by ... well pretty much anything. i used to have my own business and guess what - it sucks. do the company thing and call it good ... and unless you're like me with a #### driving record, you should be able to get on with pretty much anyone. i like swift the best but am +1 to many moving violations for their consideration.

    what do you think about this? by the way, over the course of the 5 day week you would WANT to work, 3250 miles # avg 60mph is 10.83 hrs/day of driving - don't think that's going to happen. more realistic seems the be the 2250-2500 that everyone else seems to be getting. in that case, you'll make (at best) .17cpm.

    happy trucking to you.
    Big Duker, IROC D and AfterShock Thank this.
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  3. kw19791

    kw19791 Bobtail Member

    Jul 31, 2008
    that is so cool what you put together and your dead on right,about that Lease Program with England,My wifes Uncle is a New Lease Operator for CR England now I believe he is two monthes in,I have talked to him on the phone a few times .Since he started the school 4 monthes ago his hometime so far is 3 days, he will be on the road two more weeks tehn he drops off his trainee and hopes he can go home for a few days,the problem I see here is not the home time thing its what they promissed him
    after the fuel charges and truck payments and and and he had 5000$
    left before taxes and deductions from the company well from that he got 1200$ that was it and he is not driving solo he is getting trainer pay too! right????? he also notised that Cr England takes out from his .93cents a mile a whole woppin 17 cents a mile that is deducted to pay Cr england drivers,so he basicaly drives and as you said leases the the truck or pays cr england there truck payment,He is a good guy and he doesnt complain much he did it for the Licence and after a year or six monthes he will look for a local job,Cr england says that if you Lease a truck you dont have to pay the liecence and thats what he thinks< Im sure Cr england will have something up there sleeves for him .......
    AfterShock and InMyDreams Thank this.
  4. InMyDreams

    InMyDreams Light Load Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Kingston, Wa
    Thanks KW. Yeah, good luck to your wife's uncle - I hope he can get out of that lease without any problems. I've heard of issues coming up even if you follow it to term. It's also a hard way to get your "experience" for a local job.

    I think that, based on what I've heard, I'm going to keep my ### planted right here in an office until I can drive for swift (maybe 9mos at the most) and then get on with them and stay on for a year or two. I heard about this guy (DID NOT HEAR IT FROM A RECRUITER) who's a trainer for them and he's pulling down 70k a year easily. I think that the best thing would be to mentor these new drivers and really take an interest in them - and you get paid for their miles + a bonus if they make it a year - because when you think about it this would make all of the difference in the world having a good trainer.

    Anyway, best of luck to everyone out there that's going to make it in before me.

    -in my dreams
    aka andy
  5. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006

    I'm convinced that CRE, JB and the rest of the bottom feeders allow one fleece op to make it once in a while. Just to reel other non-believers into their net. Where they can use and abuse them and spit them out with ruined credit when the fleece purchase goes bad.

  6. InMyDreams

    InMyDreams Light Load Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Kingston, Wa

    Even as a current industry outsider I can recognize this. I think that in spite of common sense, people entering lease agreements think "Well, I'll just work harder than he did" or "That won't happen to me" or "These Trucking Forum guys are all a bunch of jaded nay-sayers" etc. However, I encourage people to LOOK AT THE ####### NUMBERS! How possible is it for you to REALLY get the kind of miles they claim? Heck, there's one scenario on there of a person being able to run 5000 mi/wk which I assume they think is essentially 65mph for 11 hrs / day for 7 days. Who the hell can really run that kind of mileage? Again, look at the numbers, you're better off working a Co. Truck OTR and then doing something close to home like inter modal transport, etc.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  7. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006

    Hang around this forum long enough and you'll see it happen! Some come back and say i wish I had listened, many do not.
    AfterShock and InMyDreams Thank this.

    MGASSEL Road Train Member

    Mar 27, 2007

    I do not belive that cre will stop hiring company drivers how else are they going to get people in there that is dumb enough to lease on with them.
    InMyDreams Thanks this.
  9. rodekrew

    rodekrew Bobtail Member

    Oct 23, 2007
    :biggrin_25512:Call up CRE & ask them its gonna happen CRE is going all lease & owner/op come september 1 2008
  10. kw19791

    kw19791 Bobtail Member

    Jul 31, 2008

    He actully Use to work in the Company I work in,He was in Sales Now He is Doing the Lease thing to with England, he is tottaly pumped he he He was wearing his CE England Trainer shirt and I thought to myself he is a happy camper anyways He is a nice guy, He said He use to make moree money in sales but he quite his Job cuz he was burnt out,so he is single in his 40s He seemed to be very happy withg the company,he is training other drivers and he is ok with that, i think he is verry focused, I even went up to the truck and talked with his trainee co driver, he was a quite fellow but he liked the company,they are paying him 450 a week while in training and he is getting paid,plus he had to wait a week for his driver trainer,England put him up in the Hotel and paid him while he was waiting,The Driver said he is takeing home between 900 and 1200 a week after taxes.I dont no if he was hoenest or not,but why should he be? I thought he was driving for the company since 3 years but no he just started in Feb of this year,I dont wanna drive long haul but I most likely will have too,Im doing my licence through a local school i will be done in 3 more weeks, and if I leased from a company or not wouldnt matter with my Credit im 47 years old and my credit is rock bottem,i got nothing to loose...I asked the driver about the cr england ting with the company Driver thingie, He said from what he knows they just are presuring the company drivers to lease,but in the end Im sure we will find out
  11. tm2002

    tm2002 Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    tower mn
    never will happen they want you to leese + train .
    there intire program revolves around using sucker drivers to train new drivers and foot the bill for the new drivers mistakes
    even the trainers dont make it England makes $$$$ OFF THE LITTLE GUY.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
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