Cr England lease

Discussion in 'CR England' started by bre1979, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. Malefickus

    Malefickus Bobtail Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    Layton, UT
    If I get in trouble for posting in an old(er) topic, I'm sorry...

    Having said that, I'm currently a C R England lease operator. I have no issue getting my miles. My only problem has developed recently (turbo issues on my truck) which has kept me from being able to run the miles I need.

    I do make money, but I also watch where I spend my money, my fuel mileage, etc. Tire pressures are checked every day, and I keep an eye on things. I have a spreadsheet that I use to keep track of how much runs are supposed to be paying me, my mileage (individual trips and combined for the week), fuel usage, paid mpg as compared to actual mpg, and I usually come out with checks between $750-$1000. The only exception is the past couple of weeks due to my turbo issues and trying to get everything caught back up.

    As others have said, the DM is a very big part in how successful you are, but this applies whether you are a company driver or a lease driver. My DM takes good care of me, and if I have to run out of planned route for a valid reason (roads closed due to construction, etc), then my pay gets adjusted appropriately.

    Aside from that, I haven't been ripped off on any pay, with one exception. I'm still waiting for a pay from a 39 mile trip (yes, I said 39 miles!). I haven't pushed the issue too hard because it's only 39 miles, but at the same time, I'm worried that they may do it for a larger run.

    I'm one of the "dumb" people who leased right away without testing the waters first. If I had my choice, of course I'd go back and go company until I learned the ropes even better. If I run less than 1600-1700 miles I'm basically running for free, and anything above that is when I actually start making money for the week, compared to earning a minimum of $0.28/mile as company, regardless of the number of miles I would have ran.
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  3. tm2002

    tm2002 Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    tower mn
    Watch your PAID miles verse actual millage Mine were 3% to 10 % Less. ENGLAND repair shops are there to make $$$$ for them not you They should be able to pass on up to 60% off on parts as they are a major fleet and get huge price breaks ,any repair shop should charge a flat rate not by the hr as there lazy ill traned mechanics charge
  4. sarendstrucker

    sarendstrucker Bobtail Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    Tyler, TX
    OK, well i guess maybe the ones of you with experience probly know what your talking about more than i do but ive done my homework for this subject. Ive researched all of the major trucking corporations and their way of buisness and unless someone can post something on here with some real figures and numbers telling me otherwise (not just a bunch of people takling about how bad it was/is), then i plan on going through training with CRE and immedietly getting on a lease. I have never talked to a recruiter and dont need to. I did the math on it. Now this is how it works, you can either finish training and be a company driver making roughly the same amount of money for the rest of your life, Or you can be an owner operator and its true you wont make any more money as owner operator than you would company driver but do the figures. CRE pays bare minumum of $.90 CPM. So say you average 3000 miles a week and dont tell me it cant be done legally because i know some who do. Its the ones who sleep half the day then wake up in their truck to find that they have to be in Roseville Michigan in 4 hours and have to high tail it there just to make their delivery. Tho, you take 3000 hrs X $.90 = $2700, then take your truck payment out, say $500 a week. $2700 - $500 = $2200. Then take out fuel, and CRE is the only one that i found that has a deal where you never pay over $1.25 a gallon no matter what the pump says. So take 3000 miles divided by oh i dont know say 6 MPG so 3000 divided by 6 = 500 gallons of diesel at $1.25 a gallon thats = $625. Take your $2200 - $625 = $1575. Now you have to take out all the insurance costs and they charge you .14 CPM for one thing and like .07 CPM goes into a fund for your truck repairs which. So yea that there really sucks. But if all that adds up to $750 and thats a high estimate, then your still at like $825. Now i can live on that and i do. Not from this company yet but real soon i will be. The main point is that what CRE does for you is take a portion of your income and leave you to making about the same as all their company drivers but with much more hassel of dealing with your own truck and all the required neceseties but after a 3 year lease with them now you have the credit and the buisness experience that a bank or other lender looks for when approving you for a loan. You take the 3 years that your buisness has been operating and your new credit and go lease your own truck at a truck store. You now are making all the same as you were with the company but since your not leasing from them now you profit an extra about $400-$500 a week from not paying that $.14 CPM. So CRE's lease program is just a test to see if your strong enough to make it by yourself and if you manage then you reap the benefits in the long run. And after then it just gets better and better because now you have over the required amount of experience needed to go to work at just about any company you want, assuming that you dont total your truck while intoxicated or anything else thats just stupid as can be. Try to be more encouraging for those new drivers out there who are desperatly looking for a way to live happily. I am a single guy with no real responsibility and no family to take care of so me making $800-$1000 a week is a small fourtune. Those with families should seek diff oppurtunities as this one will take you a little while of just hanging in there to make off well. Just whatever you do dont give up.:biggrin_25525:
    jmmate Thanks this.
  5. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    What happens when your miles drop for a while, because of economy or slow periods
    What happens when the truck breaks down, depletes your breakdown escrow
    And you get stuck in a hotel for a few days
    I have seen over and over guys like you go through the numbers based on a set of miles that are surly legal to drive
    There are so many reasons that people fail
    The cards are stacked against you
    Go company
    And many will tell you go with a more reputable company
    I do wish you good luck
  6. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006

    I see that CRE has reeled another fish in. Soon to be CRE's latest victim that will end up wishing he had listened to the words of wisdom from the TR.
    If the gullible would quit buying CRE's BS they would be forced to straighten up.

    Dude I can tell you from personal experience a fleece purchase is a good way to loose your butt. But you won't be listening, you've already made your mind up.

    Please make me a promise..... when you are broke, and your credit is ruined please come back here to TR and let us all know how great of an idea it was then. Thank you
  7. captK

    captK Light Load Member

    Sep 21, 2008
    Lynchburg, VA

    The major reason people seem to do this is their CREDIT is mucked up already. Nothing could be worse than someone who was not able to responsibly handle their finances BEFORE starting in to a new venture/business. Start as a company driver and pay off/negotiate the bills that you could not pay that runied your credit!:biggrin_25510:
  8. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006

    What the hell is a truck store? Truck stores don't do leases......... they sell trucks.

    WOW the koolaid they hand out must be great!!!!!!!!!

    See the point I made above. /\

    Dude nobody is trying to stop you from living happily. We are trying to stop you from getting the great big unlubed shaft from CRE, but you are not allowing us to help you.
    captK Thanks this.
  9. sarendstrucker

    sarendstrucker Bobtail Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    Tyler, TX
    Look now im not trying to say that this company is the best, what im saying is ive researched most all of the major names out there and yea there is a lot of fuss about this particular one, CRE. But as a inexperienced driver do you really have a whole lot of other options? I hear just as many complaints about SNI or Swift or May or Crete. CRE is only going through my mind because if you look at it like, you can sign on with them, assuming that you made it through training, and they will encourage you to begin your new career as a owner operator with a lease. Heres the way i look at it. Now i dont have any bad credit. Dont have a whole lot of good credit either. But my bank, Bank of America, will help me lease a new truck but they want your buisness to have 3 years worth of substantial history. Meaning you need to have already been an owner operator for a full 3 years to qualify for a lease for your new truck. Also they are going to look into your credit history. Which as of right now they will not see a whole lot but after a 36 month lease thats 36 months worth of credit built up. Along with thats the time they want you to have an operating buisness. So the theory here is to just use CRE for 3 years to gain that credit and buisness experience to go and lease my own truck under my own name rather than through the company that i work for. Then after you are leasing your own truck, you may go somewhere else and work that truck or, since you already have 3 years at a company that you now know and hopefully trust if youve been there that long then why not just stay with them unless your just waiting for that lease to end so you can take your money and head on down the road. Of course i could always just go and sign on with one of those "reputable" companies that you speak of and just work the rest of my life never getting ahead. Never doing anything but living pay check to pay check. You may be in hard times for the begining of your career at CRE but you just stick it out and it will all turn out good. I just dont see how it would be any different to lease a truck through CRE than through any other company. And that means that if i ever want to be an owner operator then i have to sign up with one or another some time. Why not just go ahead and get that outa the way in the begining and then you can start saving money after that 3 year lease.

    MGASSEL Road Train Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Learn what the enter key is.
    I will not try to read your post because of it.
  11. sarendstrucker

    sarendstrucker Bobtail Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    Tyler, TX
    Learn what the enter key is.
    I will not try to read your post because of it.

    What exactly is that supposed to mean? Is my post too long for you to strain your eyes reading? I cant help that. I have to make my point otherwise i get nothing but criticism.
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