Cr England lease

Discussion in 'CR England' started by bre1979, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. bluski67

    bluski67 Bobtail Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    Salt Lake City,Utah
    The lease program is not a good deal. I just turned my 08 frtlnr in at the yard there in SLC. I went solo 4 a year right out of their school. My last check that I had was 4 just over 3500mls, I cleared just over 700 after they took all my expenses out.
    The bad is that the variable mileage really takes a bite out of you pay. On this last check the variable deduction was 550$. That's gravy right off the top for England.
    They also will cheat you on the mileage if they can. By that I mean not pay you for the actually miles it takes to run the load.
    Also, on the trk mileage. You must maintain at least a 5 paid miles per gallon rating in order to qualify for the 1.25 per gallin fuel rate. But they will short you on that. I was actually getting an average of 6.98 on mileage according to my trk computer stats. But England would consistantly deduct about .50 per mile off that rate and say I was only averaging 6.4. I think think they do that so they can keep as many drivers off the cap as they can.
    These are jst a few things that I noticed. But overall, it was a year of low pay, and almost no hometime. After all, if you aren't making any money then how can you get home? Thats how I operate. So after 1 year I was more broke with England than b4 I started there.
    firstgear and Big Duker Thank this.
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  3. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006
    FLEECE purchase is what I call a lease purchase thru the likes of CRE or anybody else. Because that is exactly what will happen to you. FLEECE you for their benefit.

    I didn't FLEECE purchase thru CRE. It was another much smaller company. But it was the same principle. They own the truck, you pay on it and if luck is with you and you make full pay off its yours. If not then you paid for their truck, you paid for the maintenance and you went broke.

    Even tho I lost $30,000 the only thing that saved my butt was that none of that was on my credit. I was in what you might call a "walk away lease". That will never happen with CRE or any body else. It'll be on you just like a loan and if you don't make full payment you'll have a repo on your credit.

    3000 miles a week is certainly doable, currently I'm running 3920 miles a week. How ever when you factor in the down time for break downs, sitting at shippers/receivers while they take their jolly sweet time in loading/unloading and your usable work hours in a week flitter by completely wasted, uncompensated, and unable to recover them your best laid plans suddenly get shot all to ####. And even if you have a new truck there can be substantial unproductive and uncompensated for down time for warranty work.

    A much smarter way to go about your desire to be a O/O would be to go hit the road as a company driver for 1 to 3 yrs......... save up your money and make a substantial down payment on a truck. Then lease it to a company of your choice. There are a miriade of things that you must learn as a new driver and as a O/O. I cannot recommend that you try to learn both at the same time.

    One other thing............... never and I do mean never lease or FLEECE a truck with the company that controls your freight availbility! Many are the stories of guys that only had a few months left on their FLEECE purchase and the company chopped their loads forcing them to go broke just before the lease was completed. WHY you might ask would they do such a thing. Remember what I said earlier about a FLEECE being a good deal for them, and a bad deal for you?
    Well you just paid off their truck for them at an inflated price. And now that you are kicked out of it they are free to then FLEECE it to another gullible person and continue the cycle until the normal trade off age of the truck.

    The company that controls your loan has a lot of power over you. The company that controls your available freight has a lot of power over you. When one company holds both ......... well just forget having a life of your own. You become their slave.

    Prime is a better choice than CRE.
    mademistakesb4 Thanks this.

    MGASSEL Road Train Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    All I was meaning by learing what the enter key is for sarendstruckerif you post a long story in one paragraph it make it alot harder to read.

    Everyone would appreciate your posts alot more if it was broken up into a few paragraphs instead of one huge one.

    Brinkman's is a great example of how the posts should look.

    If you are going to be a trucker get some thicker skin and take the criticism. They are only trying to tell you for your own good.
    But trying to tell some people about their bad choices is like banging their head against the wall

    Thank You
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008
  5. sarendstrucker

    sarendstrucker Bobtail Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    Tyler, TX
    I dont plan on buying a truck for many years, way i look at it is if i just always lease a new truck every 3 years it will always be new (since they want you to have a truck thats less than 4 years old all the time) and it will always be under waranty cause from what i hear its a 400k mile warranty and i wont run that much in 3 years i dont believe. I only will lease their truck one time and its not a lease purchase its just like renting. You lease for a said amount of time and at the end you recieve your mileage overage charges and tire and maintence funds. You then either choose to lease another truck or take that refund and put a down on one. I will take that and lease a new truck from my own choice of dealer and lease it out to them. So its just 3 years lease on with their truck then ill lease one somewhere else but never buy. Not untill i plan on starting my own fleet in which ill buy. Much later on. Oh did i mention the lease completion bonus. Ive been reading Steve and Lo's (i think thats the name), been reading their post on their job with Prime doing just what im talking about and they having no problems as far as i know.
  6. tm2002

    tm2002 Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    tower mn
    IF you think you can beat them at there game PLEASE record and document every thing they will cheet you , paid millage is 3 to 10 % less than actual millage .
    find a good lawer you"ll need one .
    Drive as a company driver for some one else .26 is to low you can start at 32 34 why work for less?
    Big Duker and Brickman Thank this.
  7. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
  8. govols0872

    govols0872 Bobtail Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    SLC, UT
    Im leasing with England. I'm making 700 - 800 a week. 2700 - 3000. Freight is slow. I have a 06 Century , didnt get the brand new truck. Those seem to break down alot. I have 2 months out of a 7 month lease left. Im not making a killing, but I am learning alot about the truck business that will help me when I move on from England. I drove compny and made crap. I thank God though that I havent had some of the problems other drivers have had. Good Luck
    Baack Thanks this.
  9. mademistakesb4

    mademistakesb4 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2008
    I have to admit you are probaly the first driver who hasnt said anything too awful bad about the lease there in fact its almost positive. Still the bad part is you are working your butt off for essentially the same as what a company driver makes with another company. I hope your luck holds out and that you can continue to makes a profit because while I have never driven for Mr. England I hear alot of scary stories. Good luck to you and best wishes for continued success
  10. tm2002

    tm2002 Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    tower mn
    IN order to make it as a ENGLAND leese driver you eather need to train or take on a cat student there by putting your life and equpment in the hands of a novice it's a real crap shoot .
    Good luck to you get away fast as you can document every thing you can record tell conversations with your dm do an on line serch find an atturny that knows trucks b 4 its too late.
    ENGLAND is slick they know how to take advantage of the little guy.
  11. jmmate

    jmmate Light Load Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    that was an awesome post and exactly what i was looking for. i have the exact same thoughts and goals you do. i think it will work out for both of us
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