CR England mileage?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Omasdaddy, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    You cannot run that amount of miles and do any training . How many miles a week are you in the passenger seat training ?
    Of course trainers get high miles and pay . What better way to suck a trainee into a L/O contract after seeing all that "potential " ?
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  3. stepnfetchit

    stepnfetchit Medium Load Member

    Jun 23, 2009
    Monett MO
    I see all the negatives here about England but I'm curious about something. Are there and Owner Operators on here. Not talking about Lease Purchase or Company. I looked over the Owner Operator thing and I wouldn't do it but I would like to hear from some Owner operators on here. Anybody out there?
  4. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    LOL there are no owner operators. Its all Flease equipment. I even asked on their Facebook page about buying equipment elsewhere. Of which they replied that you MUST flease (fleet lease) through horizon.

    CR England will teach you that the average driver only does 500 miles in a day. They base it on the average driver will get tired/burned out if they try to achieve more. So if your solo the maximum that CR England can expect out of you per week will only (supposedly) be 2500-2700 miles per week. This is based on you driving about 5-5.5 days per week. Mind you if you cant drive Monday through Saturday and take 34 hours off per week, you will be facing removal.
    This isn't to say you wont get one of the many interesting Driver managers out there that have their math totally wrong and will try to give you a team job and expect you to get it there in less time than is feasible. Also not to say that you cant haul it part way, yet this creates more havoc too.
  5. stepnfetchit

    stepnfetchit Medium Load Member

    Jun 23, 2009
    Monett MO
    So I take it their website is outdated as there is a site for Owner Operators. Says they pay .34 per mile to bobtail the truck to SLC. No big deal as I was curious as the only posts on CRE are from company and Fleece operators.
  6. No Name 38

    No Name 38 Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2007
    Virginia Beach
    Just Curious.. Does England have and deicatied accounts? How are these? Teams or solo? Good Pay... Good Miles.. Buddy of mine is talking to them about A job....
  7. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    2 years ago, yes they had dedicated runs available. You ran a constant between 3 or 4 points. Mileage varied depending on the run. BUT! You had to drive for the company for 90 days before you could get any dedicated runs.
  8. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    We average about 4000 to 5000 a week. Here in the past two weeks, our mileage hasnt been great since we're tryin to take hometime near the Jacksonville florida area and from what ive been told, theres not alot of freight movin in and out of that area.
  9. No Name 38

    No Name 38 Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2007
    Virginia Beach
    What type of benifets (health,dental retirement) does england offer? Any? Website does dont show any... Thanks...
  10. CANGST

    CANGST Light Load Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    Oxnard, CA
    CRE does have Owner Operators. All truck #'s that start with 95. You can get one from Horizon or bring one in. You must first complete a lease though. The requirements change from day to day and who you talk to in the IC dept. But yes they do have O/O. They are paid the same amount as the Leasees. They have quite a few dedicated runs but a huge majority pay less per mile. You are eligible to get on the waiting list for these after 90 days but the descent ones are going to take you a good while to get on. The rumor I have heard lately is that they are no longer hiring company drivers unless you come in as a team.
  11. jr2nott

    jr2nott Bobtail Member

    Dec 21, 2009
    Denver, Co.
    I worked for England 4 years ago if you could put it on paper you could run it. If you got in a jam with your logs they would have someone call you to teach you how to cheat and lie! I avg. 23-2600 miles a week year around but I would never ever go back!
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