CR England mileage?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Omasdaddy, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    So, does the other half of the requirement for the fuel cap have to go below the minimum 5.8 PMPG?

    Hmmm, I figured we were still gettin a deal because we could be payin full price per gallon of the fuel we buy, but I spose not.

    I have a hard time believing the only reason they charge it is based on us willing to pay for whatever they wanna charge when most of us don't exactly understand what the charge is for in the first place.

    I'm not saying England has a good reason, whatever it is, to charge this variable mileage but if what you say is correct about other companies not charging it, maybe theres a reason why OOIDA has gone after them so many times for it.

    I know they are England's loads, but they still give'em to us. They still have to set them up and pick which truck is better suited for the load. We could be left to find our own loads.

    Yeah, it quite the chunk being taken out, isn't.

    How is that possible? They told us in orientation that at the end of the lease, we get back whats in there minus how ever much it takes to fix the final repairs before they send the truck back.

    The only thing that gripes me about it is the fact that theres only certain things you can use it for. I still don't understand why you can buy cleaning supplies on it, but you cant use it at Blue Beacon to get the truck washed...... To me, that makes about as much sense as a solar-powered flashlight....

    What are the names of these carriers?? Do they hire drivers like us with less than 2 years experience??
    I disagree with ya on this one. We've driven with both paper and paper-less and we haven't had fewer miles. If you manage your time correctly, it is possible to drive as much as 620 miles in 11 hours. I know this because Ive done it. Plus, its not uncommon for me to drive 3 or 4 consecutive days of 560+ miles per shift on electronic logs.

    I will agree with ya on this one.......But, since I still don't know the difference between the cap and the rebate or how either of them work and the fact that to my knowledge, England pays for part of the fuel, I can understand the governer because it is a proven fact that running faster 65-70 miles an hour burns more fuel.

    Yeah, I'll admit that most of England's office people could be a little more productive.

    On that last part, just do the 6-month demo. As far as I know, they don't have a set limit on how long the lease has to be in order to buy your second truck.

    That is a little harsh, which is why I can understand why some would be aggravated by that but as far as I'm concerned, this ain't like winnin an award while in Cub Scouts. Its a place of business and you are an employee. I don't feel that I should have to be recognized for every little good thing i do, but thats just me. I'm just here to drive and make money. Do you realize I haven't even bothered to put that goofy "Pro" sticker on our truck?

    So, we got the "purdy" red jackets for completing an accident free first year. I don't need an award to drive safe.

    I can understand that. But usually when that happens to us, our DM is always askin us our ETA to the closest drop yard or a solo that can spend more of the time the load has to get it there.

    Finally, someone that thinks along the lines I do. There has to be some good in them, or they wouldn't have any drivers.

    Sometimes, we get a swap that isn't balls to the wall tight, but sometimes we do and usually, we turn them down because even though the person asking us to swap says that we wont get charged with a late load, it has happened in the past which is why we don't swap loads when it requires us to only have enough time to fuel and switch drivers and still show up late.
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  3. xcountry2009

    xcountry2009 Bobtail Member

    Oct 13, 2009
    We run team but avg around 5500 - 6000 miles. I am on rebate not cap and take home is around $2500 weekly.
  4. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    So, how is the rebate cheaper than the cap?

    With us bein on the cap, we save about 600 bucks a week by paying a buck 25 instead of pump price.
  5. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    But you are losing $.028 (give or take) per mile in revenue.
  6. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Ok so again, what exactly am I loosing out on and how am I losing out on it? I'm still waiting for someone to explain the differences between the cap and the rebate in laymans terms so that I can decide for myself as to which program is better.
  7. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    Sorry I mistyped ... the rebate will pay you an additional $.28 +/- on top of the $.90 you get for routed miles.

    I laid it out in a previous post, about as simple as I could make it. There are no layman's terms. It's a straight up revenue vs expense business calculation.
  8. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    And this is all acomplished by not following the fuel optimizer program......


    Unless there's more to it, I have a hard time believing the rebate is so much better.
  9. SLCTrucker

    SLCTrucker Medium Load Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Salt Lake City UT
    Its only better when you know how it works.. I have been on rebate over 2 years.

    1 you have to look at pump prices all the time
    2 you have to obtain the best fuel mileage possiable.

    Let me explain in laymans terms

    you are getting .90 per mile flat to the truck
    I get .90 per mile & this weeks rebate was .28 so my total pay for miles is $1.18 to the truck
    The .28 is ave rebate per whoever.

    I will work off my fuel mileage ave as it what I know

    Now comes the work you run 1000 miles = $900
    You pay $1.25 a gallon. ave 6.7mpg for fuel your fuel cost can be calculated # 149.25 gallons used = $186.25 for fuel

    Now I run 1000 miles = $1180
    I pay full pump price for fuel # last weeks ave was $2.78 after discount
    So I pay $2.78 a gallon, ave 6.7 mpg for fuel cost can be calculated # 149.25 gallons used = $414.00 total for fuel.

    your paycheck after fuel is = $713.71
    my paycheck after fuel is = $766.00

    Its not hard to work out just hard to explain, its not for everyone.
    PM me if you want and I can help you more with it.
  10. phroziac

    phroziac Road Train Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Gary, IN
    $766? I love reading these posts. I can make more than that as a company driver. Why the hell would i want to make as much money as i make as a company driver, and have alll the risk of owning the truck?
  11. SLCTrucker

    SLCTrucker Medium Load Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Salt Lake City UT
    Classic Post From Someone Whoe Does Not Read Whole Thread, Just Opens Mouth N Puts Foot IN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you read the whole post, that was just talking about running 1000 miles and calculating the fuel mileage rebate vs fuel cap..... Nothing more Nothing less.

    That does not even start to talk about andything else just FUEL, read n learn........
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