I made money when i worked there as a lessee. Problem was i shoulda made more. They take to much of your money that you make on that lease. I didnt like not being paid as much as i should so i want elsewhere after a little over 2 years.
CRE From day 1
Discussion in 'CR England' started by CANGST, Dec 1, 2008.
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Alright, so to be fair. England got way better for me since I last posted. I have been averaging about $1300 a week. This week has been really bad but freight is slow and I understand that. England has some things they need to work on. More trailers for one. I spent 4 hours yesterday driving around Chicago looking for an empty. Detention pay should be after 2 hours. O/O should be given options when it comes to loads. But, England is not the big ugly monster that I though it was. I have had some really good weeks and then weeks like this.
I will be working for england as a lease trainer at the end of the month.I hope half of what i hear is bs.
Just Filed an APP with CRE. Was this a waste of my time?
They are still hiring. Which is more then I can say for a lot of companies. I have been making pretty descent money with England. April has been slow. As long as you know what you are going into. If you have any questions I can give you the answers or get them for you. The recruiters are recruiters they will promise you everything. Take care and good luck.
I'm leaving for there on monday. I checked up the closest place to me on the BBB and it got rated at D-, the one you went to was a B- I believe.
And that on top of all the other things I've heard from these forums, ripoffreport, and a few other places has me a little worried. But I'm going anyway, haha. -
I can't seem to find the edit button.. so I'll double post.
I've decided not to go to CRE because of the high cost of training, it's out of state and I'd have to transfer my license, horrible rep, etc. Anyway, I've found a company that has training locally, for free, and pays much better. Thanks for everyone helping me decide NOT to go with CR England. -
I also work for CRE and am doing ok. Freight will pick up especially reefer work soon. -
Dont plan on dedicated runs till 90 days after your training is done.
The SLC barracks are the best IMHO. Everything (except the driving) is indoors. Top notch resturaunt, classes, doctor, gym (closet with some exercise equipment), pool hall, soso wifi, Bank, corporate offices, TV room, and interesting bunkbeds! If you have run out of money in SLC you can ask for food credits, they ask that you help with the mailings, stuffing envelopes for your meals for the day.
My impression of Hammond Indianna is less then favorable. The hotel is run down, little if any money is used for upkeep there. Carpets look older than the hills, furnishings in the rooms look left over from the 70's. The crew working there was never upbeat, always seemed like it was more drudgery to be there. Housekeeping was pretty much non existant till after you left with a trainer. Wifi is good, AVOID THE VENDING MACHINE SANDWICHES ON 3RD FLOOR! Any food you want at the hotel is order out only. A red light bar is next door to the Inn, but you cant go there unless you want to be tossed from the school. There is a caffeteria at the Burns Harbor school, but no one to run it, at least this was the case when I was there a year ago. There was some scuttle but that Eric the head chief and many of his co-horts where on the way out the door, not known if true.
Upgrades are repitetion. Alley docks, straight backs, offset manuevers, driving.
Speaking of driving. Dont shift in your turns. The white line at stop signs / traffic lights as well as the vehicles tires in front of you must remain visible, if they cant see this your labled aggresive. Remain 5 mph under posted limits during all reviews! If it says 15 mph do 10. Clear your signals 3 blinks after your turn / lane change (truck must be straight after turn). Get out and look! Check your mirrors. Let the instructor tell you when to do the turns / lane changes. Dont try to second guess them.
Practice common sense from a religious sense. If it might be offensive with a born again religion, it probably is a nono with CR.
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