Crete by the #s for xlsdraw

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by xlsdraw, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. mitrucker

    mitrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Lapeer, MI
    Wow. They got you out to MT quick!
    paul_4lp and xlsdraw Thank this.
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  3. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Took my reset in Billings Monday. Then got left sitting all day Tuesday with a fresh 70 and no load. Finally, Tuesday evening, the evening shift Ops Mgr told me to deadhead the 200 miles to my property. Spent Tuesday night visiting with friends. Checked on my property Wednesday morning and all was well. Was available at noon Wednesday but next pickup wasn't until Thursday morning so we went back and spent the rest of Wednesday with our friends. Rolled out very early Thursday.

    58th load: Whitehall, MT to Blackfoot, ID to Springville, UT. (467).

    59th load: Springville, UT to Ogden, UT to Coppell, TX. (1470).

    60th load: Coppell, TX to OKC, OK to Hendersonville, TN. (880).

    61st load: Hendersonville, TN to Hopkinsville, KY to Pryor, OK. (634).

    62nd load: Pryor, OK to Joplin, MO to New Kingstown, PA. (1135).

    Moved into a double bunk truck with 25k on it @ New Kingstown.

    63rd load: New Kingstown, PA to Pageland, SC. (505).

    64th load: Pageland, SC to Grover, NC to New Kingstown, PA. (581).

    This 64th load was a repower from a driver that was supposedly sick. He didn't appear to be sick at all when I picked it up. Guess the destination. There's 1 place I don't go. That's where it was going. Ops says no problem, they just need to get it moving and sent the TCALL authorization to drop it at New Kingstown. So I drop it @ New Kingstown Sunday afternoon and set my PTA for 04:00 Monday morning. All morning nothing and then around noon, yep the same load. I get on the horn with 1st my Asset Manager and then the Ops Manager and both said I've got to take the load. Negatory. I gave notice on the spot. My exact words were "If forced dispatch to NYC is a condition of employment, then I can't work here". I know a lot of drivers are ok with the Big Apple and I respect that. It's just not for me. Anyways, I made a call to a company I applied to last year that doesn't force NYC and told them that was my issue with Crete. The next day I got the invite to come aboard.

    After being left sitting out Monday got my next load Tuesday morning.

    65th load: New Kingstown, PA to Mt Holly Springs, PA to Kinston, NC. (459).

    66th load: Kinston, NC to Lumberton, NC to Prairie Du Chien, WI. (1290).

    67th load: Prairie Du Chien, WI to Janesville, WI to Jonesville, SC. (983).

    68th load and final load: Jonesville, SC to Columbia, SC to Jacksonville, FL. (368).

    Camped in Columbia. Will pick up tomorrow afternoon and deliver Monday afternoon. Then I'll turn the truck in at Deland. I'll post my final #s soon.
    Astoh and freightwipper Thank this.
  4. freightwipper

    freightwipper Road Train Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    wow.. I was reading and thinking Montana, double bunk truck... Crete is really turning around and doing good things for you then BAM forced NYC :biggrin_25521:
    TruckDuo, paul_4lp and tucker Thank this.
  5. Pintlehook

    Pintlehook Road Train Member

    May 2, 2013
    Hey XLS, are you going to start a new thread for the new company?
    paul_4lp Thanks this.
  6. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    I doubt it.
    paul_4lp Thanks this.
  7. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    My wife and I felt exactly that way.
    paul_4lp and freightwipper Thank this.
  8. paul_4lp

    paul_4lp Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2010
    Fort Myers, FL
    Where in NYC?
    TruckDuo Thanks this.
  9. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    An insulation company in Maspeth.
    paul_4lp Thanks this.
  10. freightwipper

    freightwipper Road Train Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    yeah screw that!
  11. tucker

    tucker Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    Maspeth is on the Island, not really NYC, if you spent a day a little east of there, like in Old Beth Page, you'd love the Island. Great people up there.
    TruckDuo and paul_4lp Thank this.
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