Crete Carrier - A Year In Review - Fall 2013 Going Forward

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by The_Irishman, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. tucker

    tucker Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    Wednesday sounds right, when did they want you there?
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  3. tucker

    tucker Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    Does Crete give us free tire guages? My cheapo Pilot guage went kaput today, after talking with another Cretin forever, waiting for our loads, I discovered I had a real real low drive tire. I aired her up, but my thumb against the sidewall ain't all that accurate. It did detect the low tire.

    And I only used the guage on trips over 1,000 miles, or if thumb detected a problem. Maybe it rusted #IDK
  4. Wild Murphy


    Mar 25, 2014
    That sounds like a pretty good run. I got Atlanta to Denver so I can't complain.
  5. Knucklehead619

    Knucklehead619 Medium Load Member

    Mar 11, 2014
    Flyover Country
    I dropped a 400 mile trip at the WM DC in North Platte late last night. Got a 268 mile 3 stop load for today and an 80 mile shag for tomorrow morning as follow-ons. And just think... it could easily be worse. My only consolation is that I'm due home in CA in a week so I know I have SOME decent miles in my near future.
    Wild Murphy Thanks this.
  6. Astoh

    Astoh Medium Load Member

    Nov 27, 2012
    Yes. Free tire gauges for all. It just may take a few request to get it. They always said they had them on order when I started asking. Finally got one in Marietta.
    tucker Thanks this.
  7. volvo244t

    volvo244t Road Train Member

    Jun 24, 2010
    Bettendorf, IA
    My morale is in deep in the ####### lately.

    Lousy miles due to a sheer lack of motivation. Can't sleep at night due to the emotional and financial stress related to my mother having alzheimer's this early. When I can sleep, I lack the motivation to claw my way out of the bunk and into the seat. I haven't taken a 10-hour break lately out of anything but sheer necessity, and the shortest break I've taken recently has been 8.75 hours, and that was part of a split. Other than that, I've probably been averaging 13-14 hours for a break.

    Anybody older and wiser than I have any advice? Nothing I try has worked, thus far.
  8. Wild Murphy


    Mar 25, 2014
    I don't know about older or wiser but I do know what it is like to have a family member with Alzheimer's disease and it sucks bad. You are reacting normally. It's like being so overloaded with so many things that it feels like you can't do anything. I'm sure that there are several factors that we don't really know but one thing is certain, if you dont take care of yourself then you won't be able to help anyone. Try to take tour mind off stressful things for a couple hours a day. It doesn't mean you don't care, it means you are letting yourself keep off some of the stress. While your driving try to get engaged in something on the radio. Plan something good for yourself and think about that coming in your future. Don't let it beat you up. Lifes problems already take enough from us.
    48Packard and tucker Thank this.

    JOHNQPUBLIC Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Central New York
    My mother had the same thing. Died at 64 from pneumonia because she refused to get medical treatment because she did not think she needed it. My last conversation with her was me arguing with her over the phone about her refusal to get help for what sounded like a breathing problem and I could not force her. I found her passed away on her kitchen floor 2 days later. One of her lungs filled with fluid and she basically drowned. Did I have guilt. This was 11 years ago now.

    This might sound like a cliche or overly simple but the answer for the emotional part is TIME. You are going through the process of mourning the loss of your mother as you knew her. Not her life but who she was. It will not be easy or get easier. You have to accept it and once that happens you will move past the place you are at now. I'm not saying you will feel great, but better.

    As far as financial, I do not have answer for that other than to try and pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get back to work so you are making the most you reasonably can.

    Best wishes.
    tucker, Wild Murphy and 48Packard Thank this.
  10. 48Packard

    48Packard Ol' Two-stop Shag!

    Apr 19, 2009
    Could be anywhere
    My MIL has it, and it has affected my wife deeply, in additional to everything else on her everyday plate. But from just my own experiences, I can tell you that there are times I just get demotivated and take extended breaks. I think for me, winter does that, and more so with each passing year. I just find myself tolerating the cold less and less as I get older.

    I wish you and your mom the very best. It's a very, very tough thing to have to deal with, and my prayers are with you.
    tucker and Wild Murphy Thank this.
  11. tucker

    tucker Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    I figured 48 would have good advice, probably Snack too.

    But me? Jesus, I'm immature and probably a little stupid, but hey, I'm amazed with me, it's been a heck of a journey so far.
    Heck, I just got a quarter made in 1965, it's older than me. Think of the #### it's been through?

    Altzeimers sucks, all we are are our memories and dreams of what's to come. Sadly, without that, we're not us. It must be like being an empty rowboat in the middle of the ocean.
    I guess with cancer or limbs falling off, the person is still mentally there.
    Um? I dunno, What advice can I give?
    Hang tight, I'll get some Wild Turkey and think....

    If she's fully gone, you have to set her free...
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