crst malone ?'s

Discussion in 'CRST' started by 5thwheel23, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. ChipW

    ChipW Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Chester, SC
    Just found an interesting site, not sure if I'm allowed to post it, but here is list of fixed cost for Malone. Please understand that I don't know how old this list is, so it might be slightly more now. But, it should give a general idea.

    Lease Purchase Deductions Estimates
    Truck Payment $
    Bobtail Insurance $30.00/mo
    License & Permits $75.00/wk
    Physical Damage Insurance $35.00/wk
    Securement Equipment $75.00/wk
    Trailer Rent $185.00/wk
    Escrow (Bond) $25.00/wk
    2290 $10.85/wk
    Maintenance Expense Approx. $240.00/wk
    Occ. Acc/Work Comp $45.50/wk
    Fuel for a 2800 mile week $1,200 +/-

    And now there is qualcomm $12.00/wk
    I got this info from "" which is completely dedicated to CRST Malone. I don't know if they own the site or if it is made by a third party. So I can't say what info there is or isn't accurate.
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  3. whicks813

    whicks813 Bobtail Member

    Aug 2, 2012
    Look....I'm in this deal right now....

    Crst Malone is an "ok" company to lease on to. But (and I stress
    the BUT) don't come over here and lease a truck!!! I went thru orientation
    with 20 people, me and 1 other driver are still here. Some due to normal
    attrition but most due to inability to keep the truck running long enough to
    stay afloat. If you have your own truck great, come on. My personal experience
    has been....... Maybe a 6 out of 10. My first truck lasted 700 miles before the tranny
    went out, took 7 days to get out of that and into another truck that a driver left in
    kansas city. Tires, brakes, ect take HOURS to get APPROVED. Look I'm not bad mouthing
    the company, I've made decent money. I'm trying like .... To get enough saved to put
    down on my own truck that I will lease back on here. However I'm starting from scratch
    again because the 2500 I had just got spent due to me being broke down 12 of the last 18
    days. If you do decide to do the L/P run as hard as you can and save every PENNY possible to
    put down on a truck of your own.
  4. whicks813

    whicks813 Bobtail Member

    Aug 2, 2012
    Take it for what it's worth.........
  5. maloneguy

    maloneguy Bobtail Member

    Oct 18, 2013
    Yeah, Chip. That is an outside recruiter page. Much of it is correct but it is like making chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips. Call and ask a recruiter. Tim in recruiting can send you whatever you need. And concerning "whicks813", he has a great "never say die" attitude. I have seen guys get in lease purchase trucks and whine about trucks needing maintenance. If people think that they are going to get in a truck and not have to visit the shop, they should not be in business for themselves. I have been an owner-operator for a long time and it would be nice if I had the option of leasing a truck while mine was in the shop. This business requires discipline and the lease program allows for when a contractor in that program gets a "dog" for a truck, they can work with the equipment managers to get into a decent one. Two things though. The truck has to meet DOT specs before being released and if it doesn't, stomp your foot at maintenance personnel and tell them to get it right. Just like when I carried my truck to the shop and after spending mega $$$ on a new turbo, if it don't sound right, do you think that I am leaving that shop?

    You are dealing with humans and not machines. Sometimes they need a little (or a lot of) motivation. Its ok to stir up the fire a bit because you are a business owner, not a company driver.

    Kudos to whicks813 for being real.
    lisamomof4boyz Thanks this.
  6. ChipW

    ChipW Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Chester, SC
    Since my last post on here, I have signed a lease at Malone. I got a 2010 Columbia with a ton of team driven miles, but it's been a good truck so far and has passed 2 level one inspections. It's a 23 month lease on 32k. Nearly 11k balloon at the end, but I can finance that over 6 months and turn it into a 29 month lease.

    I decided to go with Malone for a few reasons. First being a slightly newer truck that will stay legal in California after the beginning of 2014. Second, because it's a walk-away. But the most important reason is that I find my own freight and I'm not limited to Malone's load board. I run a lot of Landstar loads also. The way I see it here, there is no fleet manager dictating the amount of money I make. If I fail, it's all on me. On that same note, if I survive, I've proven I can handle the business and will start looking for a newer truck to buy.

    I also have to say, I have tremendous respect for the guys in the office I run out of. After only being here two months, I had an issue arise that was my own fault and they fought to the bitter end to make sure my lease wasn't canceled. (no I didn't damage anything or get a ticket). The post can be seen here -
  7. SheepDog

    SheepDog Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sand Lake, MI
    Maloneguy, I saw in another post you left Malone and went to American Transport, done being an O/O?
  8. maloneguy

    maloneguy Bobtail Member

    Oct 18, 2013
    Nope, They are all O/O and just a better deal for me. Better rates and no pressure to take something I do not want. Plus 40% advance on loads and if I get my paperwork in by 10am, I get paid the same day. No company trucks, lease purchase on trailers. Just a different style of doing things. Orientation was 4 hours, sign and go. Transport Investments is the parent company. Oh and better CSA scores are a plus. I will keep ya posted. I still like Malone, just needed to do something financially better. In-house loads were getting slim at times.
  9. SheepDog

    SheepDog Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sand Lake, MI
    I understand what your saying about CSA score,,definetly works better for the drivers using Malone's authority. I had no idea American Transport had flatbed, let alone lease purchase. I thought they were company van, must be thinking of someone else. Going to check them out now. Are you saying they have lease purchase on trailers as well as trucks? I also thought Malone gave a 40% advance on loads, once you were given the load? Paid same day is a plus...keep us posted.
  10. SheepDog

    SheepDog Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sand Lake, MI
    I thought you did the Lease purchase with Malone, I apologize. I just looked into American Transport, sound good but, I do not have my own truck,,,yet! Wish you the best man, mean that sincerely...
  11. maloneguy

    maloneguy Bobtail Member

    Oct 18, 2013
    Thanks man. Happy trails!
    SheepDog Thanks this.
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