CRST Van Expedited, Inc. - Cedar Rapids, Ia.?

Discussion in 'CRST' started by Dan, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. Tip

    Tip Tipster

    Mar 18, 2006
    Kyle, I don't know enough about CRST to have an opinion about them. I think they're based in Iowa (Cedar Rapids S.T.?), meaning they're too far from Salt Lake to advertise in the SLT.

    I've heard a few things about them, but I heard those things years ago. And none of it was positive.

    Go to CCC's terminal in Indy and see what those guys say. That terminal is over on the west side off of the beltway. I forget the exit, but it's east of the beltway about 5 miles. I think it's only a few miles North-Northwest of the Pilot over there. Damh I wish I could remember the exit number. Just call 'em.
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  3. sweetkyle

    sweetkyle Bobtail Member

    May 30, 2006
    Yeah, I'll give them a call tip, the only thing is... i believe you have to be 23 to work for them. i'll call just to verify, worst case scenario i'll work for someone local or wait til i'm 23
  4. Tip

    Tip Tipster

    Mar 18, 2006
    That sounds good, K. Ask 'em in person and see what they say. Don't be put off by that Indy terminal, assuming it's in the same building. It was a smaller, kinda ratty place back when I drove for those guys. I spent a few nights there in my time, and didn't like the terminal at all. Hopefully, they razed it and built a new terminal.

    CCC has much nicer terminals out there than that one in Indy.
  5. Black_Knight_Express

    Black_Knight_Express Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2006
    CRST is that bad, if you went there, keep a very VERY close eye on your pay, make sure it checks out with what you sent in, make copies of absolutely every reciept, bill of lading, trip sheet, trip envelope etc before you drop it in a drop box..and then make sure you get reimbursed for every bit of it..they like to try to pull a fast one and not give you all your reimbursements or try to slip a load by you unpaid. Watch em like a hawk..

  6. tokenmormon

    tokenmormon Bobtail Member

    I don't know exactly what your situation is. I know that I work for CRST and I am ready to get out. CRST, by the way stands for nothiung, it used to mean Cedar Rapid Steel Transport.
    Anyway, If you already have your CDL, it may not be too bad, aside from the problems I have with the pay, I have had an instance where they forgot to pay me and I had to go after them. I didn't expect a brand new truck, but the old ones they have given me are decrepit, and they are expecting us to complete loads with a 53mph requirement on them with fuel leaks, battery failures among other things.
    There are good dispatchers, but you should know that they are running at about 50% capacity, which means that for every trucvk that is running, there is another that is sitting and waiting. This does not include drivers on home time, this is a number that I recieved from a previous dispatcher regarding the available drivers.
    Well, if you have already signed your life away, I wish you luck man. For me, 8 months is too long!
  7. crst trucker 06

    crst trucker 06 Bobtail Member

    Jun 12, 2006
    i dont advise you to work for crst. they will promise you all the gold at the end of the rainbow, but wont see ************. i am currently working for crst and i am regretting it, in fact i am finding another trucking job.
    one: you dont get the miles they advertise to you. average is 4500 miles a week as a team driver.
    two: their pay system sucks. their always late paying people.
    three: their trucks suck. youll start driving in a freightliner with an average 460,000 miles on it.
    four: their dispatch sucks. you will be sitting for awile waiting for loads.
    five: only positive thing about this company is if your an owner operator, then it is deffinatly worth working for them.
  8. crst trucker 06

    crst trucker 06 Bobtail Member

    Jun 12, 2006
    do not work for them. this is coming from a currently employed crst driver. i posted other comments about an hour ago. refer to them for more detail.
  9. crst trucker 06

    crst trucker 06 Bobtail Member

    Jun 12, 2006
    your lucky you got out when you did. i am a crst driver and cant wait to find another company. you give them to much credit.
  10. number1usJoe

    number1usJoe Bobtail Member

    Jul 4, 2006
    The worst I would say ny has is hard to make close turns and traffic.
  11. Nomad99

    Nomad99 Bobtail Member

    Apr 28, 2006
    So if they suck on all accounts why would it be so great for an O/O. Still have the pay problems, dispatch, and miles. Only thing better would be not having their crappy truck. Instead your own truck and trying to pay for it on the miles and slow pay?
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