CST/Forward Intermodal.

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by The_Truckin_Minitrucker, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. The_Truckin_Minitrucker

    The_Truckin_Minitrucker Bobtail Member

    Apr 10, 2024
    Figured since I just got wrongfully terminated(said I was operating with my license suspended, its not suspended nor has it been and brought documents from DMV to prove it, got fired anyways.) That I would give some of the lovely details of CST/Forward Intermodal. Luckily I was already on my way out.

    1. Forced dispatch for company and O/O.
    Well, not technically forced, but if you turn down a load for ANY reason they send you home for the day and will not dispatch you the next day.
    2. They will have you hauling loads that weigh 80-93,000lbs without permits frequently. Most times knowing you'll be passing active weigh stations. They just tell you to find a way around or not enter the scales. Again, you can't turn these loads down. If you do, they send you home. If you get a ticket, it's on you and then some.(See below)
    3. They charge you for any tickets or failed DOT inspection, violations, etc. So not only are you getting a ticket from DOT, but F.I. will charge you for it too, and you must pay whatever the cost is for another driver(or carrier) to cover the load.
    4. They will micromanage the heck out of you with the drive cams. Even just hitting a pothole, safety or the Terminal Manager will call you to "coach" you about it. They are quick to get on to you for something small, but take their sweet time when you need them for something.
    5. They will find any reason or way to not pay you for something, charge you for something, or put the blame on the driver.
    6. They no longer pay congestion pay. Used to get paid anytime you had to sit at a place like IMC, CSX, NS, BNSF, etc. Paid $70hr after 1hr. We'd frequently sit at CSX and IMC for 2-3hrs waiting for equipment, and at NS Huntsville for 2+ hrs waiting for a chassis swap. Now, you must do these things for free, if you don't, F.I. charges you for it and may not dispatch the following day.
    7. Watch out for tanker loads. I've pulled several tanker loads that the dispatch/terminal manager swear up and down were not tanker.(Typically 2500+gal of liquid spread throughout 250gal tanks.) Luckily I have my tanker endorsement.

    These are just some of the things I delt with while being back. They used to be a great company, but something in management changed and now they are losing drivers quick. Snapchat-479792854.jpg
    Bud A. Thanks this.
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