Curious about CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by inverse, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. 48Packard

    48Packard Ol' Two-stop Shag!

    Apr 19, 2009
    Could be anywhere
    I, too, am curious about CRE.

    Curious as to why seemingly intellegent people continue to subject themselves to this company and its obvious shortcomings.

    (CRE driver, four long months, '96-'97)
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  3. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    Take everything you read and set it aside. You make every experience your own experience and it can be positive, or negative - depending on how you wish to derive it. Being a newbie is going to be difficult at most every company you work for. I did my training at C.R. England, was employed at C.R. England and did lease a truck at C.R. England.

    You are not FORCED to sign a lease.

    I lived ten minutes away from the school and I was able to go home every night.

    My Phase One trainer treated me well.

    C.R. England treated me well.

    I made money, didn't go broke and was able to return my lease truck without owing money.... C.R. England owed me $1800.00 upon the retun of the lease, and I received it in a fair amount of time.

    No... I no longer work for C.R. England because I have moved on.

    Feel free to private message me.... feel free to read my experiences, my posts and such.

    It's a great start, great training and it gets you on your feet. It is not glamorous.

    Good luck to ya!!
  4. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    I hear they have a 4 year lease agreement now for a brand new Cascadia. That is just sick, just get your hard copy CDL and get out. I worked 4.5 years for the Mormon Mafia and would never go back.
    newtruckerwife84 Thanks this.
  5. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    "Good money" ... is a matter of relativity. As you noted your friend left because of lack of home time. You can make money - whether it's good or not, that's a matter of relativity - at CRE, even on a lease. But, you have to be able and willing to stay out and spend very little time at home ... my son and I ran a lease as a team ... but to make it work we had to stay out 12-13 weeks, then go home for only 6 to 8 days at time. ... As far as treating you well? CRE is a highly disorganized and mismanaged company. We got our miles, but at least every other week we had to threaten to quit.
    AchioteCoyote Thanks this.
  6. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    Very well stated!

    If you're gonna do this... for almost any OTR company, you're gonna hafta love it, respect it, and get it into your blood that you're an OTR driver!

    It is much like they say in the Marines: If the Marines wanted you to have a wife, or a life - they would have issued it to you!

    C.R. England will provide you the training, they do guarantee you employment AFTER you have successfully completed the training, and you will make a fairly decent income for being a first year OTR driver. Do they treat you respectfully? Probably not. Do they get you home time at the very snap of your request? No. Do they have 3000 other trucks and drivers that they have to manage, and you're not as important as you might think you are? VERY MUCH SO!

    All in all... It is how YOU manage it.... either positive, or negative.
  7. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    We will follow your progress with interest . Just don't disappear like all the others that ignored advice and went to CRE .
    Joetro, superpet39 and crb Thank this.
  8. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    Most people WILL NOT give credit, where the credit is due.

    For the most part, every person who desires to "waste" their time to write of their experiences, desires to be one to write negative criticism.

    When one is pleased, happy and satisfied.... it is very rare that he / she will take the time to write a detailed account of their pleasure.

    According to your profile, you indicate that you're 35 years in the trucking business, but how many times have YOU provided written posts on this forum to indicate how a shipper / receiver has treated you well?? How many times have you written kudos toward a shipper / receiver on this forum?

    Yet, on the same token... how many times have YOU provided written posts on this forum to indicate how a shipper / receiver has mistreated you?? How many times have you written negative things? How many times have you written negative comments toward a trucking company, toward a shipper, toward a receiver?

    The fact of the matter is... most people are more than willing to provide negative feedback toward a company / organization.

    It is very rare that people will "waste their time" to provide positive feedback.

    Just some thoughts on my end.
  9. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    It really doesn't surprise me that on this very "accurate" set of threads, complete with all of the truths that people post here on these threads.... there are 72 pages of complaints about "bad" shippers and receivers, yet there are only 13 pages of "good" shippers and receivers.

    Hmmmm.... 72 pages of negative complaints toward shippers / receivers, yet only 13 pages of positive compliments toward the shippers / receivers?

    Is there a particular numerical pattern here?

    Are there going to be MORE negative comments toward any company versus positive response?
  10. slim shady

    slim shady Road Train Member

    Sep 14, 2011
    Chicago, Il.
    I promise I will never click on a cre thread again
    I promise I will never click on a cre thread again
    I promise I will never click on a cre thread again

    Sent from my RM-845_nam_vzw_100 using Board Express
    Dipschitt and Joetro Thank this.
  11. inverse

    inverse Bobtail Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    sorry it has taken me so long to reply back. i've been extremely busy today.
    this is what i have realized about "MOST" of people's experiences with C.R. England, and why i am skeptical about believing all the hype.

    first off, i wanted to acknowledge that yes, i am aware that you stay in a room with up to 8 people in it. i'm also aware that the lockers are small, and the hotels aren't the best. but it's free lodging, and yes, you have to bring your own money for food. if food is the only expense i have to pay, that's fine with me. i do feel bad for your husband that greyhound delayed the schedule though, and that his socks were stolen, and his sunglasses. that just blows. but everything you mentioned that had to do with CRE, i'm fully aware of.

    secondly, i wanted to make aware that i'm not disregarding anyone's advice here. BUT, it seems to me that most of the negative feedback from previous CRE employees is mostly based of the drivers who decided to go with the Leasing option with Horrizon that they try so hard to sell you. I, however, am not so easily persuaded. i have a strict mindset thanks to not only this forum, but my cousin Terry who has also been a truck driver for over 20 years now.

    1.) Get into the school, complete Phase 1 and 2 of training.
    2.) Sign contract with a company that clearly states that I am going to be a company team driver, and a company team driver only. (they start out at 25cpm.)
    3.) Get as many miles and experience as i can. move on if things don't work out.

    if things don't work out with CRE, at least it won't be because i'll be in the negative. unlike leasing, i won't have to worry about the undue stresses of paying for a truck payment, and all that crap that comes with it. i'll still be getting paid.

    feel free to comment on this post.
    AchioteCoyote Thanks this.
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