Curious about CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by inverse, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Cman301

    Cman301 Light Load Member

    Feb 26, 2013
    Lease,train,drive, team =lol lol lol lol
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  3. Joetro

    Joetro Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2008
    Post Falls, ID
    Notice how they list "Lease" first?:biggrin_25523:
  4. Florida Playboy

    Florida Playboy Road Train Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    Don't let those nice shiny new trucks fool you. They are are paid for by the fleasees. OP you never mentioned why you decided on CRE of all the training companies.
  5. newtruckerwife84

    newtruckerwife84 Light Load Member

    Mar 16, 2013
    O Kean, Arkansas
    Well it's up to him..I mean if he wants to be lied to and treated like dirt, and NOT PAID, then he should go for it. Out of the people who started with my husband several have already quit. CRE has failed to pay several and there are 2 other CRE students stuck at a TS in Vegas while their trainers get their 34 hour resets at home. So for each weekend he has to stay at a truckstop, not getting paid, and has to get his food from a TS. So he is having to lose money. If CRE doesn't pay them Tuesday like they are supposed to he and the others are quitting. It's not worth it to stay with them.
    superpet39 Thanks this.
  6. superpet39

    superpet39 Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2013
    Bay Area California
    The O/P isn't going to be treated like dirt, don't you get it- you and your husband and everyone else in this thread that has personal experience with CRE are the ones that have it all wrong.
  7. JustinWaterboro

    JustinWaterboro Light Load Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Porter, ME
    How about this...
    1) complete Phase 1 / Phase 2
    2) sign on as Company Solo or Team for like 6 - 9 months
    3) give 2 week notice and sign on with a better company that will pay more and treat you properly
  8. Harbinger117

    Harbinger117 Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2013
    I applied to C.R. England last month and was accepted to go through their training to get my CDL. After doing extensive research and talking to some of the guys on this forum, it took me about two minutes to decide to send the recruiter an email telling her I was no longer interested. I find it quite baffling that someone who claims to have done "hours of countless research" is still even remotely considering employment with CR. I'm not sure what kind of research you did, but you must not have seen half of what I found. That, or you're incredibly naive.
    48Packard Thanks this.
  9. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Anyone staying 6 to 9 months would make far less than they would going elsewhere even after paying for the training .
    Has anyone been foolish enough to give CRE 2 weeks notice ? I'd be interested in hearing how much they earned those last 2 weeks .
    superpet39 Thanks this.
  10. bigdad7

    bigdad7 Road Train Member

    Jun 6, 2010
    split 25 cpm ....better off making minimum wage at mcdonalds a shift leader makes more than that

    and for some reason if police are involved removing one driver or another from a truck it seems to be a cre truck usually i see it at least a few times a year
  11. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    When I quit working for England I just told them I was terminating my lease with them when I was on my home time. I payed off my truck and was with them for 4.5 years accident free. They did not even care that I was leaving. They just told me to make sure I return all CRE property to the Mira Loma terminal. And that was that.
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