Curious about CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by inverse, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Jakaby

    Jakaby Medium Load Member

    Mar 25, 2012
    Grenada, Mississippi
    He's probably the CR England driver I saw this morning at an anonymous truckstop wearing a 3 dollar WalMart cowboy hat with the ends of his jeans tucked down in the tops of his boots (fake snakeskin by the way). I couldn't make this scene up if I tried. I know he was going for the "outlaw trucker" look, but it came across as John Travolta in Urban Cowboy if he was dressing for a gay bar in the 80's.
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  3. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    You're a real credit to your profession.
  4. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    Did you stop to ask if the person was a driver?

    Did the driver have a sign that indicated that he was a C.R. England driver?

    Did the driver have a sign that indicates that he was a C.R. England student?

    Did the person have a sign that indicated that he bought his clothes from Wal-Mart?

    Did the person have a sign that indicated how much he spent on the clothing?

    Did YOU offer to assist, to talk, to get to know this particular person, or are ya just making random assumptions to pick on someone, pick on a particular company, or just plain be a credit to nothing?
  5. Jakaby

    Jakaby Medium Load Member

    Mar 25, 2012
    Grenada, Mississippi
    Well, the fact that he climbed out of a CR England truck right next to me at the pumps told me that either.....
    1. He was indeed a CR England driver or
    2. He stole a CR England truck after shopping for hats at Wal Mart.

    As for offering assistance, I'm not sure what I was supposed to assist him with, other than give him some fashion tips. He seemed to be able to stop the truck at the pump, which means he knows the different pedals and what each pedal's function is. He was able to open the door on his own, and managed to climb out all by himself.

    Thinking about, he threw a Wal mart sack away, so it could be the sack that his rustler brand jeans, which I've never seen anywhere other than Wal mart btw, came in. As for the boots, I wear Georgia Boot company boots, which I buy from an actual boot store in Jackson Mississippi whenever I need a new pair. I can spot fake boots pretty easily from being a boot aficionado for a pretty long time now. These were not Dan Post, Noccona, Tony Lama, or even Justin.

    As for getting to know him, first of all, I'm too old to be making new friends. Secondly, after he threw away the Wal mart sack, he threw a gallon milk jug of piss in the can right behind it. So to answer your question, no, I didn't get to know him. When I go searching for new friends, it's not going to be at the pumps of a truck stop, especially some slob that expects someone else to clean up his piss.

    Now you might be thinking that I have something against CR England, and you would be correct. I have been in two reportable accidents since I've been OTR. Both times I was parked perfectly between two lines at truckstops and both times I was hit by CR England trying to get in the spot next to me. I was wrong in assuming that the lines would give me some sort of "force field" against getting hit. The first driver that hit me was indeed a trainee. Chalk it up to him learning. Second time, there was a trainee on the truck, but it was his trainer driving. An interesting side note is that the trainer ended up being arrested for some felony warrant out of some state other than the one we were in.

    Finally, as for any signs he might have been carrying, the only one I saw was the one that said, "screw you to the guy behind my truck waiting to get to the pump. I'm not going to pull my truck forward after fueling. I'm going inside to do my business at he counter, then I'm going to get in line at Taco Bell and wait for my order. After I spend 10 minutes pouring salt and hot sauce on my 3 taco combo, chicken burrito, and 3 meximelts, I will come back and move my truck so that you can pull into the pumps and do what you need to do".

    I imagine he got a marker and poster board for his sign at Wal mart when he got his cowboy hat.
    HotH2o Thanks this.
  6. Jakaby

    Jakaby Medium Load Member

    Mar 25, 2012
    Grenada, Mississippi
    Oh, and as for being a credit to my profession........
    Thanks. I will continue to keep myself clean and presentable, no matter how hard the circumstances might be. I will continue to pull up after fueling, so as to let the hand behind me get his business done in a timely fashion. I won't throw piss jugs away so that someone else has to clean up after me. I also promise to drive my truck in a manner that is safe for me, my company,my fellow drivers, the motoring public, and everybody else concerned. I will continue to accept load after load, no matter where it may be going because I know in the end, that everything works out even.

    And most importantly, although I sometimes have a few laughs when some CR England driver just begs for it either by his actions or his appearance, I will be the FIRST one in line, a long line of fellow drivers, that will be there to assist him in anyway I can if and when he asks for it. The only thing I ask in return is that he pull up from the pumps when he wants Taco Bell.
    HotH2o and drvrtech77 Thank this.
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