Current Storm Shutdown (MT trailer)

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by silent_philosophy, Apr 1, 2023.

  1. JC1971

    JC1971 Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    It was forecast 75 mph wind gusts in the Texas Panhandle, yesterday. I'm surprised the truck stop wasn't full of parked trucks. Way too windy to have been out driving a high-profile vehicle.
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  3. PaulMinternational

    PaulMinternational Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    There is a balance to this unfortunately lots of new drivers can’t keep thier cars on the road in high winds let alone a truck.
    On my way home from my old job I once followed a student after his first day in class up I-81 in some heavy winds. He was driving a Jeep gran Cherokee. I was scared watching him as the only thing I could figure he was doing was letting the wind move him way off before ever trying to correct for the gusts. I was in my wife’s gran cherokee close in year and had no issues what so ever. Fortunately for us he had many issues and never got close to attaining certification.
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
  4. Kshaw0960

    Kshaw0960 Road Train Member

    Jun 17, 2018
    Years ago in San Antonio one of our local drivers was parked and the wind blew him over. Eyewitnesses plus ELD confirmed he wasn’t moving. He was the only truck to blow over in the whole city. Sometimes stuff just happens.

    Few weeks ago I was hauling this 4K lbs unit through a nasty storm in MO and I was at the exit ramp to hit the flying J and my truck was rocking back and forth so scared it’s one of the first times I was ever actually scared.
    teams567 Thanks this.
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