DAC fired after 3 incidents

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by yoelva, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. Omega1

    Omega1 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 18, 2017
    On the other side, I just got the message and am rolling in about an hour. I'm at home, but gotta roll. Short home time..1.5 days. Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know....just trying to retire. Rolling soon.
    Flat Earth Trucker Thanks this.
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  3. Snakeschasingcars

    Snakeschasingcars Heavy Load Member

    Mar 22, 2018
    The guy that doesnt hesitate getting into a tight spot is the guy that ask here for places that will hire after getting fired from to many incidents...
    faux_maestro Thanks this.
  4. okiedokie

    okiedokie Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2011
  5. scott180

    scott180 Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Tooele, UT
    Sad but true. The primadonna crying to dispatch that they doesn't feeeel safe is making more money than the guy that says I'll do it and losses time getting the hard job done as the primadonna drives down the road making money.
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
  6. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    That's why it's good to weed out the primadonnas, cry-babies, and slackers. If you don't get rid of them you wind up having to send your best drivers on the worst hauls because the problem children will either screw them up or spend so much time complaining that they poison the whole crew.
    okiedokie and x1Heavy Thank this.
  7. Kt9040

    Kt9040 Bobtail Member

    Oct 9, 2018
    Or you could become the most famous driver by hitting as many things as possible in one day and then just quit. At least you’ll have the most hits in one day record for as long as the company is operating.

    Jokes aside, I hope you land another job that pays well with good benefits. Everything in life is just a test, it’s how you react to these situations that separates you from the rest. You made a mistake, sure maybe a even a couple of mistakes. But they stop becoming mistakes after the first few.

    Really look into your situation and honestly ask yourself why do these things keep happening. Everyone has the answers to their own questions but we chose to ignore them. Never rush things in life. If it’s written for you, you will get it no matter what. If it’s not written for you, you will never get it no matter what. Most drivers, myself included always tend to rush because “If I hurry up and back up, I can unload faster which means I can get another load faster which means. . . .” If you start your day like this, everything will piss you off and in the end you will still get caught up in bad weather or traffic, or as I like to say traff***. Be safe driver.
    Knucklehead and x1Heavy Thank this.
  8. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    I think somewhere along the line I would be replaced some detail along the lines you laid out. I wonder sometimes.

    However it's all good. Its really hard to find good honest stock in the wheel these days.
  9. MaraSull

    MaraSull Bobtail Member

    Oct 30, 2024
  10. MaraSull

    MaraSull Bobtail Member

    Oct 30, 2024
    I am also wondering if I could apply to these as well. I also have 3 incidents on my DAC record and cannot get hired anywhere. I am in need of some help. I live in Cincinnati Ohio with a year of experience!
  11. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Try Craigslist and Facebook. Both have trucker pages and many 1099 trucking companies look for drivers there.
    Also try "Driver Pulse Tenstreet"
    Open a free account on there.
    Flat Earth Trucker and MaraSull Thank this.
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