Dallas TX to Kent WA routing help.

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Mohtrucker, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. Tundra670

    Tundra670 Bobtail Member

    Feb 13, 2019
    It actually ends on March 31 so you don’t need to carry chains on April 1st but we still get snow on passes thru end of May.
    tscottme Thanks this.
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  3. PacoTaco

    PacoTaco Medium Load Member

    Apr 16, 2016
    South Texas
    Cactus Petes in Jackpot is a good place to take a 10.
    rockeee and silverspur Thank this.
  4. Mohtrucker

    Mohtrucker Light Load Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    Are there plenty of TA/petro along the way ?
  5. PacoTaco

    PacoTaco Medium Load Member

    Apr 16, 2016
    South Texas
    If you're referring to the 287-40-93 route there are several up to Las Vegas. Between LV and I-84 in Idaho there's a Petro in Wells.
  6. Kenworth6969

    Kenworth6969 Road Train Member

    Jul 3, 2020
    Screw going slow.

    That doesn't solve swifty from sliding into you or i80 being shut down in front of you.
  7. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
  8. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    I'd take the 550 out of abq instead. IIRC. It's 60 miles shorter then 491 out of Gallup
    MysticHZ Thanks this.
  9. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    And that answered the post I was replying to.
  10. Buc

    Buc Medium Load Member

    Nov 17, 2012
    Part of 90 goes through northeastern WY. However, that's 62 miles longer than the shorter direct route, which is US-212 from Crow Agency MT at the Bighorn battlefields to just outside of Spearfish SD. Going back that way there's like one little truck stop in Lame Deer you can stay at if need be (and if you catch it in time), about halfway between Crow Agency and Broadus. On that stretch of 212 there's also several pull-off areas on either side of the highway—but be mindful that you're literally out past nowhere out there (and not even Verizon will help along most of that highway). There's also the Broadus scalehouse, and then a whole lotta nothing until you get to about seven miles from the WY border, a town called Alzada, where there's a little diner/c-store that has truck parking (on a dirt lot, as is the case with the other stop back in Lame Deer.)

    If you choose to run that way back east, be forewarned: 1) it's a two-lane two-way highway the entire way except right by the 90, ans 2) you're going through two different Native American reservations and a whole lotta nothing for about a good 200 miles—the first 103 or so of which includes three or four 7% grades both up and down, a traffic circle that's just...there—and then past Broadus (that's where you'll make the right turn to stay on 212), the last 97 miles is pretty much all flat (and until Alzada, completely devoid of anywhere to stop or even pull over). I say all that to say this: trip plan WELL if thats part of your route. Ask me how I know...

    I figured someone was gonna post that :biggrin_2559:
  11. ‘Olhand

    ‘Olhand Cantankerous Crusty

    Jan 18, 2011
    That’s good information didn’t realize we were getting technical here though so I guess the original poster could use all that I was just being very generic and knowing that 90% of the newbies running east on 90 just stay straight on the 94 because that’s how the routing takes them myself first time I went across 212 was in a 68 cab over international Emeryville with a 250 Cumapart and 5x3 transmission kind of know where you’re coming from
    And as for east of Whitwood....my routing is pretty much 2 lanes until bout 1/2 way across Iowa
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