Danny Herman Orientation

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Canwil3565, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. NuckChorris

    NuckChorris Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2017
    Central California
    I'll be there on the 25th, so we may see each other. We'll see :p
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  3. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    Heard the Quakers run the MVR in PA. So delivery will be done by pony express. :)

    Seriously... Wish you both the best of luck.
    I have a 9am delivery in Richmond VA.
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  4. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    That's flippin' funny!! It sure does seem to take forever! Ur delivering very close to my hometown. If u take route us 460 just stick ya head out the window and say ; "candice says hi!" We 'all family out der! Lol they will know who ur talking about!!
    WesternPlains Thanks this.
  5. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    I’m actually in Henrico. ?
    I done yelled out. All these voices yelled back: Hello! :)
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  6. sgt50

    sgt50 Light Load Member

    Jun 24, 2007
    Down South
    Any update got a pre hire
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  7. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    I am very happy here. The orientation was very simple. No meals provided. I was surprised because, we all know, the mega carriers provide everything! I didnt have my medical card, which I told a fib about. They provided transportation and paid for that. ( I didn't mean to be deceitful, I just really needed a job) they provided a rental for me (not a greyhound) reimbursed me for gas, and paid me about 350 for the 3 days.
    They didnt have a truck for me so they got me a rental and paid me for my time and travel to get my truck. I am very happy with them. They have run me to death! ( I love it!) I am not making killer money but its regular and the miles seem to be endless.
    I wasn't happy with the money at first, but I came here in so much debt from prime I was terrified I would just drown. DHT has kept their word every step of the way. Btw I didnt sign any document like I did with prime about having to pay them back if I don't stay a certain amount of time. Straight up, this company is legit!
    sgt50 Thanks this.
  8. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Where ya coming from? Which terminal u think ur going to for orientation?
  9. sgt50

    sgt50 Light Load Member

    Jun 24, 2007
    Down South
    Mississippi, pr
    Probably mountain city
  10. sgt50

    sgt50 Light Load Member

    Jun 24, 2007
    Down South
    How is the pay, they told me .40 come plus bonuses
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  11. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    .40 is what I started out at, I have made 11,500 miles this month (caused by home time) so next month will be .43 cpm. Last month I made 12,220 miles so I was at .46. So .40 to start out, then 3 cents for safety and videos, additional .3 for anything over 12,000 miles per month. You can get as many miles as ur clock allows. They have the freight, u just work that clock and u will do fine.
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