Danny Herman Orientation

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Canwil3565, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. sgt50

    sgt50 Light Load Member

    Jun 24, 2007
    Down South
    Drop and hook %
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  3. NuckChorris

    NuckChorris Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2017
    Central California
    It's a 50/50 split.

    Before you decide to go with DHT I wanna warn you that DHT's equipment is not very well maintained. I started with them at the beginning of this year and I've had multiple multi-day breakdowns and have not been compensated for it. DHT makes up for their low pay with their mileage bonus, but if your truck is in the shop, you're not getting miles, therefore no bonus. I'm not trying to scare you away, but it's a serious issue, and multiple people have voiced their frustrations on here.
    insipidtoast and Canwil3565 Thank this.
  4. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    You tried voicing your opinion to Sally with driver services? Or Angela Pritt? I have not had that problem. Anything that I have needed has been addressed, but I will respectfully voice my opinion until something is done....also- stay out of mtn city for maintenance. El Paso is on point!
  5. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    A lot of other DHT drivers are reporting differently. Freight has been slow for 2 months. Not very many drivers making their bonus. They claim it is slow freight coming across the border. I call BS, planning/customer service/ sales need to get their butts to work.
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  6. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    If freight is that bad why not stop hiring drivers?! They said in my orientation they r trying to hire at least another 350 asap. If my miles don't continue like this or close to it, I'm out! Glad I am not feeling the slow down yet. How long have u been experiencing that? Maybe it will change now that the good weather is here? What ya think?
  7. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Where is everyone else falling? Anywhere close?
  8. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    You have to wonder why is it they switched to 2 orientation sessions a week ? It tells you a lot of drivers have left. DHT is turning into a starter company and not what they use to be. They don't have the trucks to support 350 new drivers for a company that only has 430 power units.
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  9. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    Look at all the trucks sitting at Colexico, Nogale's. I talk with other drivers. They call in asking for a load and are told freight is low in you area.
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  10. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    I havent been told that. Super happy I havent been. I do think the starter company thing is a thing. I was tokd when i was hired they only hired experienced drivers. They guy that was with me in orientation was fresh out of school, yikes!
  11. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    I have talked with some other drivers and most of us think something is up, but no one knows what it is. DHT has really changed in the last 12 months.

    You use to have gone to a good driving school to get hired with good grades, but it doesn't seem like that anymore.

    A lot of drivers have left and gone elsewhere. I have talked with a few that are on the fence, me included and have started looking.
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
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