Danny Herman Trucking ( input)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by cincydrivermatt, Nov 11, 2017.

  1. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    If you are a new driver you could be issued a truck from any of the terminals. If you are an experienced driver they could have you use a rental car, that they pay for, and sent to another terminal to be issued a truck as well.
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  3. I drove a team truck from Lebanon to Mountain city shop to pick up my solo truck..... Hotel is solo room... that was important to me ... they will pay you and rent a car to get wherever you need to get a truck... I have one month now and just came home for a few days.... Drivers stay out a while... As others have said this is a long haul company and if you want to do long haul then this is the company...
  4. SuperRookie

    SuperRookie Light Load Member

    Apr 11, 2012
    Eton, GA
    So, dealing with some issues at current company. Not very happy and DHT is on my radar bc of trucks, lanes, and miles. Got a few questions that I think I already know the answer to at least one.
    1) what engines are in the Kenworths?
    2) how picky are they when it comes to going out of route?
    3)do they pay tolls or make yall hit pig trails to avoid?
  5. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    The T680s have Pacar engines.
    What do you mean by out of route ? I know what you are saying but I need more info for an answer.
    Most roll road are covered. There are a few that aren't and if you use them you get to pay for them.
    SuperRookie Thanks this.
  6. SuperRookie

    SuperRookie Light Load Member

    Apr 11, 2012
    Eton, GA
    That really sux about the Kenworths having Paccar engines. I'm still not a fan of em. Was hoping they ran Cummins in their trucks.
    Out of route as in you go different way than they say on their routing solution to save time. For instance, current company wanted me to go thru DC to get to Baltimore from WV, I cut up 340 and saved myself a huge headache and alpy of time, but it added about 20miles to trip. How frowned upon is this?
  7. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    More than likely they aren't going to say much about going out of route much. They do only pay zip code miles, so you can tend to get screwed on that. More so for the longer trips.

    The trucks are governed at 67, and you do have to use their specific fuel stops. Loves, Pilot, and Flying J. Not just any of them, but the ones listed on the fuel sheet.
  8. CorsairFanboy

    CorsairFanboy Medium Load Member

    Feb 19, 2018
    Don't miss those pre planned fuel stops AT All. First company I worked for was like that. The one I'm with isn't. It's so liberating. I fuel at loves all the time and enjoy the diamond benefits. It's pretty sweet.
  9. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    Yupper, I don't have to deal with that BS anymore either !!!
    CorsairFanboy Thanks this.
  10. SuperRookie

    SuperRookie Light Load Member

    Apr 11, 2012
    Eton, GA
    Eh the fuel stuff somt bother me that much. We only fuel at Flyin Pilot now so it is what it is. Beyond that. Why did yall leave? Local? Or other company?
  11. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    A lot better pay for the most part. The planning department needs to really take a look at what they are doing. What a driver does is a team work effort. You need a good DM and a good planning department for that to happen.
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