Danny Herman

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Michelle33, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. Michelle33

    Michelle33 Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2024
    West Texas
    Hello again

    So I was hired by Danny Herman and I start my orientation this week and training next week. I'm curious about how the training will go. Has anyone in here gone through the training program through Danny Herman? It's 300 hours with a trainer- so I'm just wondering what to expect. I'm a bit nervous lol

    Thanks in advance
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  3. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    What to expect?

    As discussed elsewhere, recently -- that depends in large part on the quality of your trainer (or the lack thereof).

    I survived -- after 4 1/2 days -- with a crummy trainer, at Schneider.

    If I can do that -- my guess is you do will every bit as well -- & probably better (300 hrs is just a tad more than 4.5 days :p).

    Be sure to show up with a sense of adventure -- AND....a sense of humor.

    Good luck, Driver.....:salute:

    -- L
    TB John, tscottme and Michelle33 Thank this.
  4. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    DO NOT expect to make a lot of money....your first year....in the current freight market....pulling dry van loads.....at DH.

    You are basically now in an apprenticeship -- & your main objective....over the next 2 years, or so -- is to REALLY LEARN how to drive a big rig (& also, how to back one up).

    Your homework assignment, between now & the 1st day of DH orientation --

    Sit down....& write this out 1,000 times:

    "Whenever in any doubt -- GET OUT, & WALK ABOUT"

    -- L
    Stonehjl, tscottme, Numb and 1 other person Thank this.
  5. Michelle33

    Michelle33 Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2024
    West Texas
    Thank you! I'm so excited and yes, I just want to learn as much as possible. I was lucky enough to have an awesome instructor work with me alot on my backing- 45 degree and my angles! So I'm feeling more confident. Super excited and nervous all at the same time!! :D
    201, tscottme, drvrtech77 and 3 others Thank this.
  6. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Danny Herman, or the name, at least , goes way back to when I was green. 70s and was started by Danny Herman himself, with one truck in 1964. While I'm sure in the big truck stop in the sky by now, any company, and the Badger has many, that still honors the original founder, and has the word God in their mission statement, well, not much can top that. Keep us posted, eh?:thumbup: Remember, no question too tough for the peanut gallery here.
  7. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Good luck in your journey with Danny Herman!!! Those long hauls are gonna give you a helluva experience!! I am subscribed!!
    Michelle33 Thanks this.
  8. TB John

    TB John Company Shill of BYOB & CBD

    Dec 28, 2008
    -- 300 hours with a trainer generally means 300 hours behind the wheel, not total time on the truck
  9. Michelle33

    Michelle33 Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2024
    West Texas
    I did my orientation today and took my driving test! I officially pick up my fuel cards etc on Thursday and start my 300 hours of training on Monday!!!!!! They told me that it's about 6.5 weeks of training! I'm just super excited!! I will update as I move forward..
  10. Kenworth6969

    Kenworth6969 Road Train Member

    Jul 3, 2020
    Aww yes, the good ol mixing religion and business :rolleyes:

    Guaranteed they've lost some business and drivers simply because they are a different "faith"


    201 Thanks this.
  11. Kenworth6969

    Kenworth6969 Road Train Member

    Jul 3, 2020
    Good luck, get that safe experience and then get out to get better pay.
    TX2Day Thanks this.
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