Daycab and Moving Empty Trailers - 2290 Tax

Discussion in 'Trucker Taxes and Truck Financing' started by icbmredrat, Aug 23, 2024.

  1. icbmredrat

    icbmredrat Bobtail Member

    May 10, 2024

    I am planning to add a daycab (Cascadia) to my fleet and its 100% purpose is to move/relocate empty trailers. Truck is about 18,000 lbs and trailer is approx 12,000 lbs, total of 30,000 lbs.

    Do I still need to report/pay the IRS Form 2290 tax? I was quiet confused on how they determine the taxable gross weight. Is it specific to my own vehicle situation or "Industry wide"?

    Thanks for all your help!
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  3. brian991219

    brian991219 Road Train Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Lords Valley, PA
    Simply register the tractor for under 55,000 pounds and you will not have to file 2290. I ran single axle daycabs for years hauling cars, all of ours were registered at 54,999 to avoid 2290 and KYU filings. Even the one tractor I bought that was a tandem I only registered at 54,999 because all I ever pulled with the regular tractors were the 6 car trailers.

    I did have some 80,000 pound trucks in the fleet, and those were all registered at 80k and paid 2290. You are allowed to have a mixed fleet, it will not raise any concerns with the IRS or state, just don't ever haul anything over the registered weight of your tractor and you will be fine.

    Yes, it is operation specific, not industry wide.
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