DD15 Oil Cooler Replaced, and found this inside...

Discussion in 'Freightliner Forum' started by Dakker_Ind, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. Dakker_Ind

    Dakker_Ind Bobtail Member

    Jul 27, 2019
    I have a 2011 DD15. 980,000 miles. Oil cooler o-rings needed replacing. Fixed the truck, but something went wrong. Not sure how, but I pinched an oring during reassembly and when I fired it up, I was pumping oil into the cooling system 10 times faster then before. Took it all back apart, and as I was removing the brand new oil cooler, I caught a glimpse of something in the hole on the cover. The right side hole in this picture. Again, it was like catching something out the side of my eye type of deal. I set the cooler down, and grabbed a flash light and found this black cap thing in the hole on the right. It had appeared to fall out of the oil cooler module and into that hole as I was picking up the oil cooler. I do not know what or how it got there. I do not remember seeing anything like this during disassembly or reassembly. I am at a loss. I am pretty sure it was not there when I put it all back together the first time. It is hard plastic. It has that look of well heat cycled plastic that has been in the oil for a long time, like several hundred thousand miles kinda look, so I'm wondering if it was in there prior to me doing this job to begin with and I am just getting lucky that it managed to work it's way to where I found it. Does this thing look familiar to anyone? It looks alot like those soft silicone covers you find on the end of a new bolt and nut. Like a thread protector or something. But this thing is rock hard. Anyone have any ideas? 20240210_145842.jpg 20240210_145850.jpg
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    SWM_TECH Light Load Member

    Apr 15, 2018
    Is that the top part of check valve for you anti-drain back for your oil filter housing? Remove your oil filter housing cap and check if it is missing. Routinely when changing oil filter we would push down on them and on rare occasions the would pop out. So then we would replace the anti-drain back assembly before we put new filter on and completed oil change.
    Magoo1968 and nikmirbre Thank this.

    SWM_TECH Light Load Member

    Apr 15, 2018
    Magoo1968 Thanks this.

    SWM_TECH Light Load Member

    Apr 15, 2018
  6. Dakker_Ind

    Dakker_Ind Bobtail Member

    Jul 27, 2019
    2024_02_12_14_03_15_Detroit_Support_DDE_A4721860095_Diesel_Dash.jpg It does look like it could be the tip of that piece in that second picture, doesn't it...
    I'm headed down to the dealer tomorrow morning to pick up a new gasket and a couple o-rings..
    I was going to take that piece with me, i'll have them pull that piece in those pics and compare. Unfortunately, I am not near the truck at the moment to go pull the oil filter out and see if mine is missing that top piece on it. This does seem to make sense. Would also explain the heat cycled feel to the plastic.
  7. Dakker_Ind

    Dakker_Ind Bobtail Member

    Jul 27, 2019
    Case solved.. thank you swm_tech 20240213_102528.jpg
    Magoo1968, nikmirbre and SWM_TECH Thank this.
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