Denney Transport Denver CO

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by bigtex07, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. BlueThunderr

    BlueThunderr Medium Load Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Hey bigtex07...Do you run recaps with them or do you generally burn out your clock ?
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  3. Futuresunknown

    Futuresunknown Bobtail Member

    Jun 22, 2020
    I talked to Tom the other day. To answer my own questions, yes they have fridges and room for a microwave. Sounds like a good gig if you're willing to work hard. I think I'll be applying once I'm home tomorrow, see how that goes.
    BlueThunderr Thanks this.
  4. Teion

    Teion Medium Load Member

    May 13, 2013
    SE Texas
    I have orientation set for the 6th. I did most of the paperwork and online training. So onsite training should take a day. Seems like a company that I can stick with for the years to come.
  5. BlueThunderr

    BlueThunderr Medium Load Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Can you run your own schedule ? Or do they have you flip flopping your hours between days and nights ?

    Also, what can someone expect to make who is a responsible runner who runs recaps and stays out for 1 to 2 months at a time, and does some lumping ?
  6. BlueThunderr

    BlueThunderr Medium Load Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    How tight are their runs ? Do you get more than 10 hours off before you have to get running again ? I like a bigger to go on bike rides or the gym.
  7. jcmaster5

    jcmaster5 Bobtail Member

    Jun 11, 2008
    I drove there for a year. Good company. If you stay out about 25 days a month, you should at least make 80k.

    If you like to spent the holidays with your family, they ain't the company for you. You will be on the road delivery their freight on the holidays.

    There main customer is Custom Made Meals in Denver. Very light loads and goes all over the country, but they're always behind which puts on night driving and very tight delivery schedules.

    About 40 percent of their freight goes to the LA area but it's always day time driving.

    Heads you if they have the clain laws up in the winter time on Vail Pass, YOU WILL have to chain you. No waiting out snow storms. They will fire you. They only care about moving their freight.

    Lastly the drivers that do well here money wise lump their own freight. So if you have a drop with 3 pallets, lump it yourself. You can charge Denney whatever you want within reason if you lump yourself.

    Any other questions just ask...
    Teion, Futuresunknown and BlueThunderr Thank this.
  8. Teion

    Teion Medium Load Member

    May 13, 2013
    SE Texas
    Plane ticket has been booked. But due to the July 4th weekend ticket costs are up. Cheapest flight they could find is for Monday. So will fly out that afternoon and should be in denver by 11pm. Will have orientation Tuesday. And hopefully rolling out Wednesday.
    Futuresunknown Thanks this.
  9. Teion

    Teion Medium Load Member

    May 13, 2013
    SE Texas
    Well im currently sitting at the airport in Orlando. My flight is delayed and nobody can give a real answer for how long. At this rate it will be after midnight before I get into Denver.
    Rugerfan Thanks this.
  10. Teion

    Teion Medium Load Member

    May 13, 2013
    SE Texas
    Orientation went well. Got assigned to a 2018 780 with over 366k miles on it. But it has been well taken care of. Have my first load going to cali. Will be leaving out probably tomorrow night or early Friday morning. Then hopefully to get the rest of my gear.
  11. Teion

    Teion Medium Load Member

    May 13, 2013
    SE Texas
    So far my runs have been decent.
    Denver to Fontana.
    Fontana to Denver .
    Denver to Omaha.
    Omaha to Montgomery.
    Memphis to Freehold, NJ(current)
    Not going to make it back to the yard by cutoff so no check coming this Friday. But next Friday's will be good.
    Radman and Rugerfan Thank this.
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