Detention pay

Discussion in 'Gless Bros Foodliner' started by truckinusa, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    I'm dedicated in waterloo and love it...

    the few times we've had hiccups with a slow schedule or being over-worked they just send you to another terminal or bring in the help from other terminals...

    no problemo... but that's more a function of bob and darrell working togather... to help the driver.

    ??????or what do I know????????? lol our little slice just seems to work for us...

    although a few weeks at 370 and I'd be gone from here also... heck I missed three days with tooth problems and bettered that.

    its too late now... but I'd have been curious to know if you complained to the dispatcher and to his/her boss and let them know you were unhappy and what could be worked out??? might have made a difference???

    might not if that is really all the loads they had ????

    bob seems to keep us all evened out fairly well... sharing the loads and playing nice...

    a few btch unless they are constantly doing 12 hour runs for a big pay and home everynight... *primadonnas* lol

    bob still slips them a day or two of local crap... lol pays about the same but you somehow feel more pushed and frustrated... and its good for them...

    if you aren't in the grinder every so often you kinda lose touch and start thinking your stuff don't stink... lol
    david07003 Thanks this.
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  3. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    btw... I get paid when the customer screws me over...

    oh that never happens... lol not more than once a week anyways...:biggrin_2559:

    but so far... I get paid everytime... though I do have to call in for a p.o. number and tell them what went on...

    like last week when I got stuck for 5 1/2 to load and 3 1/2 to unload...

    man that ticked me off...

    I'm spoiled... all preloaded and seldom more than an hour at a drop...

    then toss me 6 hours of driving and 9 hours of loading and unloading... I was all over bob... like gravy on a biscuit....:biggrin_25510:

    gotta keep him tuned up also ya'know...
    david07003 Thanks this.
  4. tjk

    tjk Bobtail Member

    Mar 21, 2011
    grand rapids, mi
    does anyone know anything about foodliner in zeeland mi? would be helpful! and welcomed!
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