Did anyone feel the earthquake ?

Discussion in 'Questions To Truckers From The General Public' started by The_vett, May 1, 2024.

  1. JC1971

    JC1971 Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    I unloaded 10 miles from the epicenter, just east of 99 and 166 near where the 5 and 99 split. Missed it by only 8 hours. Southern California has been getting a lot of smaller quakes lately after a long period of quiet. This is the largest one.....so far.
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  3. The_vett

    The_vett Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    Yep ! There is a whole lotta shaken goin on , for sure.
    I grew up watching Lucy @ usgs on the TV after a quake, and then they told us that the little ones relieved pressure and the big one would not be so big.
    WRONG, They are now saying they do not.
    But the one that scares me is the Cascades subduction fault. They have dated it, last quake was 1700, and its been going off regularly for many years, every 200 plus (there is an exact number for it but I've forgotten) and for some reason it is late this time around, I do not mind. Because it makes San Andreas Fault into a tame quake in comparison.
    Concorde Thanks this.
  4. The_vett

    The_vett Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    You gave me the idea of watching for after shocks. I had to quit, my last count on this Grapevine Quake was over a hundred. LOL
    Everyone stay safe and alive. Thank You for all you do, the world needs you.
    Diesel Dave and Concorde Thank this.
  5. The_vett

    The_vett Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    These are not coincidences. Not saying anything will come of them but it's suspicious to me. LOL
    Numb Thanks this.
  6. JC1971

    JC1971 Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    What alerted me to the quake was the MyShake app, which sends out an audio warning with a chime then "Drop. Cover. Hold On", which is really startling when you have your phone hooked to the truck radio with Bluetooth. It also gives you an initial magnitude estimate and epicenter.

    Theoretically, the warning is supposed to be received before the seismic waves reach your location if you're far enough away from the epicenter, giving you time to get in a doorway or under a table.

    It gets the heart racing at first because I'm thinking 6-7+ magnitude quake in the LA Metro. 5.7 isn't horrible.
    The_vett and Diesel Dave Thank this.
  7. Numb

    Numb Crusty Curmudgeon

    Jan 30, 2012
    Charlotte, N.Carolina
    suspicious? who has the ability to cause a quake on a large scale??
  8. The_vett

    The_vett Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    My guess is nobody can cause an earthquake. I am saying I believe when a bunch of quakes are happening in the same general area there is a reason, one that we don't know. I am sure they will study them enough that one day we will all know what it is about. It could be interesting or boring. But I do not believe they are a nonconnected happening or coincidence weather they are foreshocks or aftershocks.
    Do you think hundreds of quakes happening in the same area within a 1 or 2 days time are random coincidences?

  9. The_vett

    The_vett Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    They say now do not get in a doorway. That it is probably weaker and open , so it doesn't protect you from things the quake is throwing around.
    I want to get the program you have. I would not have it set to yell at me though. LOL, that would get my Heartbeat going as well.
    I imagine a Truck as long as your not over or under anything, would be a good thing. Although it depends on the road and where you are. I just want to be away from where ever it is happening. Don't like being on shaky ground.
    JC1971 Thanks this.
  10. JC1971

    JC1971 Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake Nimitz Freeway collapse

    Concorde, Numb and The_vett Thank this.
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