Dispatched loads wasting entire day

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by VW56, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. VW56

    VW56 Bobtail Member

    Mar 5, 2023
    Hey guys I’m new to trucking and been out about a
    month by myself running reefer for swift. Just looking for a bit of advice as I could not really find an answer by googling these forums as I usually do. I’ll give a few scenarios that I have come across to explain.

    So this has happened a few times now. Say I have a load that delivers at 7 am on 3/4 so I park up the day before as close as I can to have a fresh clock to deliver at 7 am. Say im predicting 2-3 hours for unload so I put my pta the day before for like 9:30 am. Well then I get sent a pre planned load from a planner that does not pick up until 3/4 at 10 pm. Essentially correct me if I’m wrong, but the only way I see it possible to pick up a load like that would be to immediately shut down for at least 8 hours to pause my 14 or just do a full 10 reset. Which at that point im just wasting an entire day I could be driving right?

    Everytime I have asked if they have another load that can keep me moving they usually just end up removing the load from me without saying anything and I usually just end up sitting for the day and requesting layover pay. My question is am I crazy for thinking that it’s ridiculous for them to even send me a load like this? Or is this a pretty common occurrence in the trucking industry and I should just get used to it? I have no problem doing it if needed but personally I feel like they are just seeing if they can get a driver to accept it and screw them over.

    Sorry if this was a bit long and I’d appreciate any advice or criticism from any experienced trucker.
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  3. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    If they don't have a load for you that picks up near your PTA time, they will send you the next available load.
    And it would be based on your PTA and how many drivers were in line for a load before you.
    If you are in a low freight area, there could be a wait.

    I'm not sure how good you are with delivering a load in the morning and then being expected to pick up a load that night.
    Personally, I turn them down because I would have been up all day and would not have gotten any real sleep.
    I don't consider it safe to push my hours like that.

    They have pulled the same thing on me and sometimes are not happy with me for turning down the load, especially since I had 10 hours between.
    But I'm not going to adjust my sleep cycle like that. It's unhealthy and dangerous.

    I also work at Swift, by the way.
  4. VW56

    VW56 Bobtail Member

    Mar 5, 2023
    Man what you just said is 1000% the same reasons why I have been turning them down. It’s not that I couldn’t physically do it. But trying to go to sleep after I literally just woke up and started my clock? Ain’t gonna happen and would just be up the entire day most likely. Thanks for responding and I’m glad I ain’t crazy haha. The load was also crazy low miles to begin with and not worth getting almost 0 sleep. I also notice they usually try to send these wonky loads on weekends only and not from my usual terminal planners.

    That’s cool you work for swift too! I might have to message you if I ever have any serious swift questions. So far I don’t really have anything negative to say about swift besides occasionally having to wait a day or 2 for a load.
  5. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    Chinatown would tell you that running reefer means you never sit, but it isn't true. This time of year is low on freight, so everyone sits sometimes.

    You are not crazy to turn down loads like that. The crazy ones are those that take those loads.
    Not enough sleep to be safe, changing hours of operation to satisfy the planners wishes is a recipe for accidents.
    It will always be the drivers fault if something bad happens. After all, you are the captain of your ship and have total control over what you do.

    And it really is that you can't physically do it.
    Getting up at 0500 to be at a delivery at 0700, then they want you to pick up that same day at 2200.
    You can not make yourself go to sleep for 8 hours when you are not ready for sleep, and then drive all night on top of that.

    Some would say it is part of the trucker life. I say nay, nay!
    My trucker life is doing the job safely to the best of my ability. But I won't compromise my ability or safety.

    The planners only look at the numbers on the screen. They take no account of your actual well being or the hours involved between loads.
    That is up to you.

    In all my time at Swift (13 years), I have not been penalized for turning down loads like that.
    I send the mac 9 with the reason, and I get sent a different load. Often a much better load. Sometimes there is a wait time if loads are scarce.
  6. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    But also consider just because you be picking up the load at 10 pm doesn't mean it delivers the next day. It could deliver later date. What does the QC say ?
    Flat Earth Trucker and Numb Thank this.
  7. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Welcome to trucking. Your time isn't worth much if anything at all and this is pretty normal every day how it is at just about any company.
  8. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    It pretty much is trucking in general in my view. I've delivered in the am and had to wait til dark to reload. It happens. A short run, no big deal. I'll run it and take a nap at the customer. If it picks up at 10 pm, you could head to the shipper and check in. You may get loaded early. That happens fairly often, unless it's a meat plant. A cold storage place, you can get lucky sometimes. In the reefer world, there are times where you flip flop your clock. If you know you're incapable of doing that, you may need to do dry van or better yet, flatbed. In flatbed, you're almost assured of a "normal schedule."
    77fib77 Thanks this.
  9. Short Fuse EOD

    Short Fuse EOD Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    You complain when you get a load later in the day with ample time to take a seven hour break then you complain that when you tell them, you don’t wanna do it, that you sit. Unless I misunderstanding something…. Reefer has crazy hours and schedules. It’s not for everybody. If you’re looking for something more stable, I suggest open deck. More stable and a bit of exercise to keep you young.
    TripleSix, bryan21384 and lual Thank this.
  10. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    FYI -- I did dry van & intermodal (both drop & hook) for Schneider -- & I did not encounter the above-described insanity.

    -- L
  11. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    Well, I always say, "that's trucking". I mean, think about it. It's the transportation industry, right ? 24/7 maybe you don't deliver on Xmas day but that's it. When I was driving, I had to get 4 hrs of sleep every night somewhere between 10pm and 4 am. I could not stay up all day then drive all night and I knew it. And 99% of the time it worked for me. This was pre "getting written up for being late" days. And I was honest with dispatch if they threw me an overnighter, sorry I can't promise it being there. I'm sure I wasn't the only late load that day. My motto, I will pick up the load and deliver it with no tickets or accidents AND SAFELY. That means no falling asleep at 3 am on the highway driving my ol' cornbinder. (36" sleeper, cabover Int'l) :bootyshake:
    Flat Earth Trucker and bryan21384 Thank this.
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