Do you know...? Disgusting Cigarette smokers

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by BlackCat, Jan 13, 2011.

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  1. rocknroll nik

    rocknroll nik High Risk Load Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    can't read the sign
    0 need to ransack the storage locker on my account. One of my best friends mom was 1/2 Navajo and 1/2 Mexican....and my god the food was to die for. I helped her make green and red chile salsa once and home made tamales etc....but it was so long ago I can't remember the finer points......her recipes were ones handed down and blow the doors off of any I have found and tried over the years.
    But thanks for the heads up on the fry bread:biggrin_25514:
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  3. Injun

    Injun Road Train Member

    May 15, 2010
    West o' the Big Crick
    Well, since you seemed to miss a main part of my post, let me spell it out for you.

    Tobacco, in its natural form, is no more unhealthy than (I hate to say this) marijuana. Just reading your correlation between what I said and children being encouraged to smoke tells me you are one of those dope-headed Liberals who not only wants to tell everybody else what to do, but most likely wants to legalize pot for "medicinal" purposes....ostensibly because it's "healthier" than manufactured chemicals used by the medical profession for the same purposes y'all want to get high for. Only nicotine does not alter my judgment and reaction times the way THC alters yours.

    Here's the s-l-o-w version. Fasten your seat belt and put on your helmet, here we go:

    It's. not. the. tobacco. It's. the. chemicals. added. to. it.

    I'll say it again in real time in case it went by you the first time:

    Tobacco is not harmful until you add formaldehyde, cyanide and other chemicals to it.

    Get it?

    (Probably not, but you just can't talk to people who already know everything.)

    Now. Regarding the O/P with the rotten attitude toward his or her fellow human to begin with. If you don't like smoke, don't hang around with smokers. You have, of your own volition, chosen a career field populated by a lot of people who happen to smoke. You have been given several options on how to avoid a truck you find beneath your standards.

    You b**** about cigarette smoke (and I agree, it makes a mess inside a canned up vehicle...which is why I have an ionizing air cleaner and keep my windows down when I smoke) but I'm not hearing a peep from you about the chicken bones, McDonald's wrappers, old french fries, spilled pop/coffee, general greasy grime and nasty unwashed funky butt odor found in a huge number of "non-smoking" trucks. What do you do in that case? Go on an internet board and b**** to your non-smoking, unbathed, jerkwater buddies? Or get trash bags, a little brush-broom/dustpan kit, 409 and Febreeze to make it liveable?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2011
  4. Flying Finn

    Flying Finn Heavy Load Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    Ontario, Canada
    A little OT but it does tie in with it.

    Many folks give me a strange look when I blame the Industrial Revolution for MORE cancers and such than any time before. Not to say, there was no such thing as cancers before this. Just not as prevalent. Mainly due to the toxins being spewed and introduced as 'preservatives' into our food and water sources.

    Pure tobacco is not nearly as bad as the "refined" stuff in cigarettes and such. One does not realize that if MJ is legalized and mass produced as smokes are. It will ALSO get the mass of toxins put into it. No matter what anyone wants to try to argue, MJ does affect your judgment and can be addictive.

    /rant off
  5. lilillill

    lilillill Sarcasm... it's not just for breakfast

    Nov 7, 2007
    Possum Booger, Alabama
    Hold my beer while I pee in the instrument cluster. Smoking is just not ruining this truck fast enough for me.
  6. rocknroll nik

    rocknroll nik High Risk Load Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    can't read the sign
    Injun Thanks this.
  7. Injun

    Injun Road Train Member

    May 15, 2010
    West o' the Big Crick
    Even though I believe your point to be in agreement with our O/P, ......

    That is HILARIOUS!!!

  8. lilillill

    lilillill Sarcasm... it's not just for breakfast

    Nov 7, 2007
    Possum Booger, Alabama
    No, I see the OP for what he is--a troll. Just trying to inject a little humor here... move along... nothing to see.

    rocknroll nik and Injun Thank this.
  9. Lilbit

    Lilbit Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Let me check my logbook
    I thought we were suppose to slow way down and gawk!:biggrin_25524::biggrin_25525:
    Injun Thanks this.
  10. rocknroll nik

    rocknroll nik High Risk Load Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    can't read the sign
  11. teddy_bear6506

    teddy_bear6506 I'm Vintage

    May 23, 2009
    Between Valhalla and Hades
    It's like a bad accident, people just gotta look

    I'm off to visit the vampires at the blood bank. Apparently my smoker's blood is okay with them.
    Injun Thanks this.
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