Don Imus Sued by Rutgers Basketball Player

Discussion in 'Other News' started by firstcav, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. Ronnocomot

    Ronnocomot Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2006
    Angry sure, but looking to make a buck? If not $50 million, then what is a good amount? Is he going to have to spend countless amounts of money to fight each one of the players? Is she going to share her winnings?

    This whole thing is ridiculous.
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  3. firstcav

    firstcav Medium Load Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    When you put yourself out there like the Clinton's and others, and when you participate in it yourself you kind of hand a wavier over for anything that is said about you. lol It would be like me complaining to you about someone calling me names, when I am prone to doing the same thing, lol

    Why can't anyone see that these girls are the victims here. lol
  4. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008

    Please...YOU make it sound like some stalking killer was after them.

    That must be the WORD for the DAY..."HEY Judge I need to sue cause Iam a Victim"...My ego was so badly hurt I got to sue for lot's of MONEY so I can go out and spend it and make myself feel better. SIGH
  5. firstcav

    firstcav Medium Load Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    An apology doesn't always fix everything. Sometimes in rare incidents a coerced apology is not sufficient to fix the damage done.

    No one is going for a criminal offense here. Physical injury or endangerment is not a leagal requirement of slander, or Defamation of Character. And your right, what you, me and everyone else thinks has nothing to do with the legitmacy of this lawsuit. That's between the party's involved and the court to decide. But I have a feeling Imus will settle before it gets that far. He better.

    Don Imus has every right to say what he said, but he also has the responsibility that goes with it. Just because you're known as a insulting, arrogant a-shol on the radio, does not give you the right to attack innocent people at your discretion.

    Actually the Rutgers basketball team had nothing to do with this incident. They were not the ones that originated the comment, they did not do anythng to justify the publicity of the incident. If Imus or Rutgers basketball team made a similar comment to 13 million people about the VOLS, then they would have a lawsuit.

    I say that's between this player and Imus. I suspect they'll find a fair amount before it goes to trial.

    He may be sued by everyone, and no she will not have to share her settlement, unless the judge orders it a class action suit to protect all parties.
  6. firstcav

    firstcav Medium Load Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    They are the victims. They didn't ask for their lives to apart of this termoil, they didn't ask for their achivements to be outstaged by Don Imus. They are the victims in this is case, not Don Imus. Maybe he should pay $50 million. lol
  7. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    Ummm...He should pay nothing. OK Maybe he should give them each a penny for their thoughts but after that NOTHING.:biggrin_25513:
  8. firstcav

    firstcav Medium Load Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    I'll just stand by my point, that Don Imus, in Don Imus' best interest will pay a lot more than 1 penny before this thing even sees a court room. In fact if a settlement is accepted, you'll see a very grateful Don Imus in the news the next day. He got to play the victim with CBS, and CBS was the enemy. Now the table has turned. Just like CBS was wrong to Imus, and they owed him. Imus was wrong to the Rutgers Basketball team, and he owes them.

    Good thing he won $20 mil. from CBS, $20 million/rutgers basketball team = a fair deal.
  9. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    I will stand on my point as well as we can agree to disagree and still be good friends...

    IMUS does not owe these people a dime!

    Wasn't the CBS thing a Contract issue? I see that as different.

    His words Iam sorry were not any different then anyone else..HECK..I have said worse my #### let me know when you are going to sue me...
  10. firstcav

    firstcav Medium Load Member

    Sep 5, 2006

    We'll always be good friends. Even when you're wrong, we'll remain good friends. Just like right now. lol

    If Imus would have said this same thing in private to his radio friends off the air, and the incident had gotten back to Rutgers an apology would be sufficient. But that isn't what happen. Imus purposely and with malleous intent attacked the character of these innocent ebony flowers, for the sole prupose of personal and financial gain, that is the legal requirement for dafamation of character. People should not be millionaires because they have a sharp tongue and a lack respect for others. The acceptance of this type entertainment is leading this country to its downfall.
  11. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    lol...Iam only WRONG in the FACT that I said he should give them a penny.
    What I should have said is that he don't even owe them a penny. lol
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