Don't Drive For SRT!!!

Discussion in 'SRT' started by SRT-SUCKS, May 24, 2013.


    SRT-SUCKS Bobtail Member

    May 24, 2013
    As someone else said, SRT promises a lot but delivers very little. For starters they take 3cpm from new drivers for the first 90 days calling it mandatory per diem, supposed to help you get more back on your taxes, hogwash. Then there is forced dispatch, with most companies you're asked at orientation if you'd rather do local, regional, harbor, intermodal or OTR and whatever you pick is what you'll be doing, at SRT it doesn't matter because if you request OTR like I did, sooner or later you'll be forced into doing something you didn't expect. SRT is owned by Covenant, they claim their trucks are governed at 65mph, more hogwash, when you're on the road Covenant trucks will pass right by you. Dispatchers are rude, you might get one that is nice during their particular working hours like say from 7-3 but after that beware! Never talk on the phone with the night dispatchers, they are inexperienced in many areas especially if your load is overweight. And if you think by driving for SRT you'll be working in the southern part of the country, you'll end up thinking their name should be northern refrigerated transport instead of southern. If you get a bad route and try to give input on a better route, you'll most likely be told to take the route you were given. Lease purchase is also a bad idea because company drivers get the newest trucks, when they reach 500-600,000 miles on them, they are then offered for lease and you'll have to pay for fuel and maintenance even if you take the truck to the company. If you drive for SRT and decide to quit, make sure you return everything they gave you like handbooks, fmcsa rulebooks, hazmat etc. And don't decide to quit when you're far away from home because SRT will make you pay for the greyhound bus ticket to get back home. Most companies will put your final check on your comdata card, not SRT, they'll issue you a check after they see if there are things they can rip you off for and give you the rest. I'm pretty sure they'll give you a bad reference when you try to look for another job, I've been away from them for 5 months and haven't been able to get a job yet and the only time that has happened in the past was when the company I worked for was giving bad references. Recruiters always lie to get you hyped up, SRT recruiters are very good at this. The only good thing I have to say for them is they will get you home if you have a death in the family, other than that, stay away from SRT because there are better companies out there to work for.
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  3. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    This topic is funny;) sounds like someone messed up or didn't get their way...
  4. DGStrong71

    DGStrong71 Road Train Member

    Feb 22, 2013
    70° west
    It just sounds like another typical trucking company to me. You will find much of the same everywhere you go. The only solution is time served. The longer you stay with a company the more weight you will have.
  5. skootertrashr6

    skootertrashr6 Medium Load Member

    Jan 4, 2012
    Pueblo, Co
    And what is their side of the story on why you left or with the issues you were having? Issues with you and your dm, or just issues with you? Please fill us in on the whole story and issues, as I just left there a couple months ago myself, but never experienced anything similar to that, except for dealing with breakdown when they are busy, or like you said night dispatch was a pain also. I never got a bad reference after I left, and have been getting calls every couple weeks trying to entice me to come back.

    As for SRT being owned by covenant, it is true, but they have all their own rules and policys they use and ways they are allowed to setup trucks outside of covenants ownership. SRT's company trucks are governed at 64, which is why covenant trucks are passing them. Didn't have any problem when I quit, I have a 2 weeks notice and they kept me going and got me by the house to unload my stuff and got me back to Texarkana when they were supposed to and my final paycheck was everything it was supposed to be, no charge for the bus ticket back home either. The only area of the US they didn't send me was Oregon/Washington/Dakotas, spent most of my time between Texas and the Midwest, with a little north east and east cost. I followed their routing on the Navigo, but not their dispatch routing as it takes you every back road to get there, plus the Navigo GPS was a truck GPS that also had our fuel system in it also.
    Voodoo Pyg Thanks this.
  6. speedracer 1963

    speedracer 1963 Medium Load Member

    Jan 12, 2008
    I went to orientation in texarkanna only to find out my room mate was a theif, he stold my electric razor while i was at the choke and puke next door. when i discovered this I brought it up with the orientation mgr. who wouldn't do anything about it, to make a long story short i told her if that's your decision ? i dont want to work among theives and mgrs that stick up for them.
  7. lilrich

    lilrich Light Load Member

    May 2, 2013
    phoenix AZ
    thief's are everywhere and its a police matter not a company matter. honestly what would you had them do ? fire the guy on your word that he is a thief? repremand him for something that is a civil matter so they can be sued?
    work among thieves? im sure you wouldnt see him again for a long time anyways. only thing they have control over is which room at the hotel you are in for that matter.
    jomar68 Thanks this.
  8. Dryver

    Dryver Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sioux Falls, SD
    Classic example of not researching a company and we are not getting the whole story.

    "For starters they take 3cpm from new drivers for the first 90 days calling it mandatory per diem." You knew this going in.

    "Then there is forced dispatch." You knew this going in.

    "Dispatchers are rude." You are in the wrong industry.

    "And if you think by driving for SRT you'll be working in the southern part of the country, you'll end up thinking their name should be northern refrigerated transport instead of southern." LMAO!!!!

    "If you get a bad route and try to give input on a better route, you'll most likely be told to take the route you were given." It is THEIR truck and fuel.

    "Lease purchase is also a bad idea." News Flash.

    "I'm pretty sure they'll give you a bad reference when you try to look for another job." Pretty sure? Want to stick to the facts.
  9. speedracer 1963

    speedracer 1963 Medium Load Member

    Jan 12, 2008
    to each their own pal and guess what... the police would just ask SRT why did you put 2 drivers in a room ? and probably doesn't cut it for me because if I saw this dude again on the road ? the company would have fired me anyway.
    Boghosian88 Thanks this.
  10. lilrich

    lilrich Light Load Member

    May 2, 2013
    phoenix AZ
    now why would the police ask that? they wouldnt BTW and what does that have to do with him stealing something from you ? nothing nothing at all.
    whats to say you wont see him down the road eventually anyways! so what your saying is that 60 dollar razor is worth losing a job over and going to jail?
    would love to know your answer to the ? in red though
    i do understand your frustration over some one stealing something from you but expecting the company to solve your personal problems you need to deal with personal problems yourself and not rely on others to do it for you an...d were pampered as a kid and mommy and daddy solved your personal issues for you all the time ...
  11. speedracer 1963

    speedracer 1963 Medium Load Member

    Jan 12, 2008
    someone stealing my property is now MY personal problem ? LOL got it
    Boghosian88 Thanks this.
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