DoubleYellow's Covenant Thrival Guide

Discussion in 'Covenant' started by double yellow, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. mr.speaker

    mr.speaker Light Load Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Does anyone know the current pay scale. Recruiter says 48-52 cpm with HAZMAT after the training period with my partner..Dont know if its true or not.

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  3. double yellow

    double yellow Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    State of Jefferson
    When I last checked (over 6 months ago), a team driver with 6 months experience & hazmat could make 46cpm split with Covenant. It is quite possible they raised rates in my absence to 48-52 cpm (split), though I wouldn't think that would be right out of training.

    I haven't looked at Swift or Schneider in a while, but Con-way teams make 44cpm split (but with a lot of perks).
  4. mr.speaker

    mr.speaker Light Load Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Double Yellow,

    Thanks for the response and I also want to thank you for taking time to make this thread and share you experience with Covenant .

    We were actually going to go with Con-way Truckload originally but they didn't like a ticket I got . (47mph in a 45mph ) I think it was more so that I got the ticket while I had my CDL permit, the cop woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day as well since people were passing me in the left lane doing 50-55mph.
  5. Rocks

    Rocks Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2008
    Double Yellow, you got me confused with this team driver making 46 cpm split....I guess you mean each driver makes .23 cpm right? I just spoke with a solo Cov driver who came to company a few months ago. He has 15 yrs of experience and he is making 26 cpm.... Me, I have been in this company for almost 5 yrs now and they pay me .32 cpm. If I were not in the per diem program, they would be paying me .35 cpm.
  6. double yellow

    double yellow Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    State of Jefferson
    Yeah, 46cpm split means the team truck is paid 46 cpm (each driver is paid 23cpm for all miles the truck rolls). If they work equally, each driver makes 46cpm for the miles they personally drive -- which is how many companies advertise their team pay (Con-way, for instance). It can be confusing switching back & forth, so I try to stick to the solo-equivalent team rates that most people outside of Covenant (& CR England) are familiar with.

    While Covenant's team pay is among the best, Covenant's solo pay rate is near the bottom -- especially if you haven't opted out of per diem (there is -- or was -- an optional company per diem disenrollment period once a year for driver's with Covenant more than 6 months). Still, Covenant was very good at getting me miles so I often made more with 27cpm (solo) at Covenant than a friend made at 37cpm with May (3200 miles/week for me vs 2200 for him).
    Rocks Thanks this.
  7. Sparky1972

    Sparky1972 Bobtail Member

    Aug 22, 2013
    central, Michigan
    DY, thank you for the informational thread and your tell it like it is attitude. I have a better feel for Covenant now that I've read your posts and will research them further. Stay safe.
  8. Green-eyed Lady

    Green-eyed Lady Light Load Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    Dallas TX
    Hi Double Yellow.
    Thanks for the heads-up about US 52 in Manhattan, IL.
    We travel through or around Joliet several times a year, rarely on the interstates (per Navigo routing).
    I just checked our 2013 atlas, and this is still showing as a truck route and it is not on the restrictions list at the front of the atlas, either.

    Maybe this forum should start a new thread for these types of "gotcha's".
  9. Lilyankeegirl

    Lilyankeegirl Bobtail Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    When in doubt google is your best friend!
    This site seems to have some pretty good links for HazMat, plus their own group on yahoo.
    double yellow Thanks this.
  10. Swamprat55

    Swamprat55 Light Load Member

    Feb 16, 2014
    Pawtucket, Rhode Island
  11. PikesPeak

    PikesPeak Light Load Member

    Thanks for the info double yellow. I keep getting told covenant is junk also (such as ripoff report, and people), and have also considered going to what I hear is their subsidy SRT. Would it be a good starter move with SRT? I am not tied down, and travel is not an issue. Thank you.
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