DoubleYellow's Covenant Thrival Guide
Discussion in 'Covenant' started by double yellow, Feb 27, 2012.
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Can I ask a question about working at covenant? I have been there for only six months so I do not qualify for FMLA.
In a few weeks my father is going to have to leave the country to take care of his sister who recently had heart surgery. If and when he does leave I will need to go back home for a couple months to take care of my mother. She can barely get around after her back surgery and can not perform basic functions so she needs someone there to look after her.
Is there any way I can explain the situation to Covenant and maybe take a couple months off with a leave of absence since I do not qualify for FMLA? I really enjoy working for them and I do not want to lose my job, I just do not see another alternative. My mom won't trust a stranger to take care of her and the rest of my family lives in another country. I don't want to ruin my career in the first year but I really need to take a couple months off to look after her.
Is there any suggestions on what I can do? Does anyone know if Covenant would let me take a leave of absence and then return to work? Does anyone have experience or heard about Covenants policy regarding this. I really love my job with them and I don't want to lose it, I just don't see any way around this. Any help is greatly appreciated. -
Hey Greenhorn,
I left Covenant on good terms in July of 2014, and to this day , I receive an email at least once a quarter about re-employment with them and I have received 2 phone calls asking how I'm doing in the Trucking world..
If you leave on good terms with them I don't see why they wouldn't hire you back. You'd still have the same employee number as well..DRAGON64 Thanks this.
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