Hi everyone, just wanted to chime in here a little. I have learned alot about what to look for and what to avoid here at this forum. Very useful stuff
I have been unemployed for just over a year now, drawing un-enjoyment from being laid off in Jan of 2009. I am also a convicted felon (12 years old) which over the years has been the biggest drawback I have ever had to deal with in my life.
Most normal, sane, half-a-brain people would not even think about a company like CRE but because of my background it does limit my options and I have looked into them. My wife and I would like to get into team driving so we can pay off some debt over a 2 or 3 year period (live in the truck).
Now, Swift is looking at my app as well and they don't seem to push the flease thing like CRE does, so maybe that's a little better? If we could just get 6 months or a year under our belt that would open some other options.
What do ya'll think of Swift? Better than CRE? Same?
drive life from day 1
Discussion in 'CR England' started by theworldspinson, Apr 29, 2009.
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I don't know much but, what I do know is that if you Google Swift and CRE they both have a lot of complaints however the one's from Swift are not nearly as severe as those from CRE.
Plus there seem to be more people on this board that will defend Swift or, at least have a neutral opinion of them, than there are people for CRE.
If push came to shove I would choose Swift over CRE or even Werner any day.
As a matter of fact I am starting school 2/1 and am thinking about OTR (second time around class A CDL for me) I have some local connections but..... work has all but dried up for them. Swift is on my "short list" of four. They are number 4 but.... they're on the list. CRE is not anywhere near the list or even in the notebook (along with some other companies too.)
my $0.02
............... Jim -
Who trained these people yup Swift.Who,s better like saying he got killed to death.I try to tell people go local,haul trash,soda truck,dump truck.Go with Usfoods or Sysco.
Some very interesting points of view here.truck driving is like any other job,when you first get started,things are not so good and ya gotta pay your dues. No matter who you start out with,things will get better on down the road.Once you get about a years worth of OTR under your belt,you can pretty well write your own ticket.It makes no difference who you start out with you are gonna get a lot of undesirable loads,but hey thats life.I would not reccomend Swift to anyone,from personal experience,and I know nothing at all about CR England.My reccomendation would be to jump in with what ever company will hire you as a newbee,then just take it slow and easy for a year,things will brighten up.
Thanks, Ron -
Rosedale may hire ex-felons. I don't know if they do it in your area.
I am going to Swift. They weren't first on my list. I am tired of waiting for others to turn loose a job.
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