Driver facing cams

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Canadianhauler21, Jul 17, 2021.

  1. Canadianhauler21

    Canadianhauler21 Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2017
    The camera I had was samsara. In the night you could always see a red light just on top of the camera and it was always on. I found out today they can check in at any time, that's what they do to drivers with bad driving records which seemed like an excuse since my record is clean. I don't use my phone while I drive most of the time at least, only to change between playlists. I just hated how I felt like a criminal scratching my own balls.
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  3. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    Exactly, no one in this industry ever learns, they always just say "well it will be different this time" just like the ####ing socialist's
  4. Team818

    Team818 Medium Load Member

    May 5, 2019
    Its another way to distract the Truck Driver. My wife and I hated the driver facing camera. Actually its a "Sleeper Facing Camera". Let that be know. It captures the entire Cab and Sleeper of the Truck. It records whenever the key is on.... and the Audio as well. So you reach out of the sleeper turn on the key Camera is on and stays on for awhile after you turn off the key. How many people do you know that want their company to record them at home in their bedrooms and as soon as they open the bedroom door and camera turns on and records them. You had to sign that you agree to work under those conditions at the company I worked for. Or, you went back to the motel and you were done. Do NOT work for a company with cab facing camera's, and tell them so. Swift, Werner, took those out and only have outward facing camera's now. I don't know about JB Hunt, Crete, heartless, marten, not sure, ask them as soon as you can, then refuse the job based on that policy. We can turn this around. Thank you.
  5. TheStopSignGuy

    TheStopSignGuy Bobtail Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    I just refused a job offer because of a driver facing camera. Doesn't matter how good a lane is I will not be subjected to that level of breach of privacy.
    Bodhi, BigHossVolvo, Magoo1968 and 3 others Thank this.
  6. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    Same here, gotta draw the line somewhere, already way to much abuse in this #### industry.
    Bodhi and TheStopSignGuy Thank this.
  7. '88K100

    '88K100 Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2020
    I tossed driver facing camera in cubby hole day one,,,our other drivers covered the camera. This was over 6 months ago and nothing been said to anyone.
    When I contacted our new driver services he said “well when I was at Bison” which at that point I told him the conversation is
    ####### over! :D
    BigHossVolvo Thanks this.
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