Driver facing cams

Discussion in 'Transport America' started by TN_Trucker75, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. TN_Trucker75

    TN_Trucker75 Bobtail Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    I heard Transport America now has driver facing cams. Is this true? What about their idle policy?
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  3. nicknack

    nicknack Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2013
    That's going to be the norm now in this industry more and more companies are putting camera's in their trucks.
  4. Pedigreed Bulldog

    Pedigreed Bulldog Road Train Member

    May 7, 2011
    It'll only become the norm IF drivers bend over, grab their ankles, and continue to allow companies to abuse them. A company needs drivers, and if a policy they chose to implement means trucks are parked because they can't find enough willing drivers, the policy WILL change...but drivers need to stand up for their own dignity.
  5. L.B.

    L.B. Third Generation Truck Driver

    Jul 23, 2007
    Middle GA
    Problem is that dash cams really do benefit the company and the driver. The driver facing cams are just a bonus for the company no matter how much we hate being on camera.

    I've had a privately owned dash cam for several years and they are quickly becoming a necessity with the increasing craziness on the roads today.
  6. kutscher007

    kutscher007 Bobtail Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    Did Your camera filmed Your also?
    Did You stream the video about Your self for safety reasons to the company also?
    Or did You use only a not safe system which did not film Your self also?
  7. truckon

    truckon Swamp Thing

    Dec 16, 2011
    Like I'd tell you!
    Cant recall the last time i seen a driver that could actually do that.
  8. L.B.

    L.B. Third Generation Truck Driver

    Jul 23, 2007
    Middle GA
    I'll try to translate you.

    I have used both a private dashcam which filmed the road only and I have used the DriveCam system which faces both in and out of the truck.

    Do not get me wrong. I DO NOT LIKE THE DRIVER FACING CAMERA. However, it is their truck, their camera and their prerogative to have the system installed. I have never heard of my company firing someone over the driver facing camera (other companies may not be so lenient) even after one driver I know of was caught on his cell phone three time in one week. (held up to the ear, no headset) If you don't have a similar experience you can always vote with your feet.

    Having used a private dashcam before I understand the benefits. I'm sure they are getting a break on insurance using the cameras.
  9. L.B.

    L.B. Third Generation Truck Driver

    Jul 23, 2007
    Middle GA
    BTW there is no camera on the market right now that live streams video into a safety department. They save clips and usually upload them during nonpeak cell hours. You can manually send clips by holding the blue button on the side for 20 seconds, which I did recently while on the phone with safety after being rearended in ATL traffic.
  10. king Q

    king Q Road Train Member

    Jul 26, 2010
    Johannesburg sa
    Never have and never want to ...... but keep looking/hoping what ever floats your boat.
    joshuapowell61 and truckon Thank this.
  11. truckon

    truckon Swamp Thing

    Dec 16, 2011
    Like I'd tell you!

    Wait. I found two. But I understand that their not your type... download.jpg images.jpg
    tucker and king Q Thank this.
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