Driver facing cams

Discussion in 'Transport America' started by TN_Trucker75, Aug 30, 2015.


    CREASEY TRANS Light Load Member

    Aug 29, 2015
    cam facing road is good to have but cam watching driver that to much like invasion of privacy cause if they can track your every move with eobr don't think they cant live stream a dash cam if they want and some company's have used them way before now I worked at a company years ago that would put them in truck if driver had to many complaints or promblem's etc so ppl just keep thinking that there's no way to stream live feed all they need is a signal just like use for qualcom's etc just my opinon
    cuzzin it and kutscher007 Thank this.
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  3. king Q

    king Q Road Train Member

    Jul 26, 2010
    Johannesburg sa
    truckon Thanks this.

    CREASEY TRANS Light Load Member

    Aug 29, 2015
    and the cobra cdr 900 can stream live feed does have a one sec delay but does stream also go pro can do live stream also
  5. kutscher007

    kutscher007 Bobtail Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    I did not really think about the streaming.
    I have my own camera in the truck which films the out side and records the sound.
    I do not like the idea when the companies like SWIFT or APEX films the drivers and the sound.
    I think to film the street with out the sound, this should be enough for the companies.
    The company where drive for installed a camera to film the driver incl. sound and this is the reason, why I look for some thing else.
    A few few days ago I talked with a driver, they have the cameras in every truck to film the drivers.
    I am not sure about the truth of his words, but he told me, in the offices of his company it is possible to watch the live stream about every driver. So far I understood him, the videos are visible in the offices at the dispatchers.

    Of course possibly there are a few benefits about this. But I don*t like this super safety.
    I can*t imagine to hire at one of these super safe companies.
    CREASEY TRANS Thanks this.
  6. kutscher007

    kutscher007 Bobtail Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    Does any one has an idea what are the benefits of driver filming cameras in the truck. I know, SWIFT and APEX, they have them.
    What are the benefits of the driver filming cameras?????
  7. no.identity

    no.identity Bobtail Member

    Aug 28, 2015
    Lost n Found
    Im going to guess they do that to make sure the drivers are driving the way they were trained, not using their cellphones for texting (yes, youtube is full of videos that show that) or doing anything that could endanger themselves or others? Just a guess. This is my first post so Im introducing myself in here, by the way..hello! :)
    truckon and kutscher007 Thank this.
  8. kutscher007

    kutscher007 Bobtail Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    Hm, but I do not see benefits in this!!!
    BTW, hello also!!
    no.identity and CREASEY TRANS Thank this.
  9. truckon

    truckon Swamp Thing

    Dec 16, 2011
    Like I'd tell you!
    The benefit is that we have answers now. No more saying "I spilled my coffee " or "I got cut off by a mysterious truck". Drivers might not like it. But we need answers.

    Anyway they make or some great entertainment videos when they do mess up!
  10. kutscher007

    kutscher007 Bobtail Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    Hm, I just found an other benefits of these driver filming cameras.
    So just in case the dispatcher from SWIFT or APEX wants to call You, they can check first in the camera and check about You. So when the dispatcher sees You sleeping, they call You later and not wake You up!!!
    truckon and CREASEY TRANS Thank this.
  11. TN_Trucker75

    TN_Trucker75 Bobtail Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    I wonder if these cameras will only record upon a hard braking or similar incident or if the company has the ability to record when they want to. I imagine different companies will have different policies. I do not like the idea of recording sound. If a company uses the camera to show proof that the driver was not distracted during an incident, I believe they should be able to tell without audio. I just don't like the idea of someone possibly being able to listen in on my conversations.
    kutscher007 Thanks this.
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