Driving an automatic on icy roads and taking off on hills?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by OldeSkool, Nov 21, 2024.

  1. Wargames

    Wargames Captain Crusty

    Jul 22, 2010
    What’s gonna happen at first you’re gonna keep reaching for that shifter , guarantee it
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  3. 86scotty

    86scotty Road Train Member

    Aug 27, 2017
    Sounds like lots of you have been driving non-Volvo automatics with lousy tires. I've never had a problem getting around, in wet or winter.

    I'm not judging anyone's driving. They do take some getting used to. In my newer i-shift I have to remember to pop it into manual before I get into a really steep hill or dock with weight on me or it throws fits. Oldeskool, can you force it into manual?

    And yes, I started off driving manual trucks and know how to drive and actually chose a Volvo automatic, which is a fantastic truck.
    '88K100, lual, Speedy356 and 3 others Thank this.
  4. OldeSkool

    OldeSkool Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    New Hampshire
    IMG_1186.jpeg That’s my “gearshift.” Maybe I do have manual mode but idk how to do it.
    NightWind Thanks this.
  5. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    Keep the replies coming, Boys :)
    Threads like this one make me giggle.

  6. LTL Bull

    LTL Bull Road Train Member

    Mar 12, 2020
    And for the record they are AUTOSHIFTS not Automatics. There is not a torque converter in sight. I’ve only seen one true automatic and it was in this :

    Allison 5 speed automatic.
    And yes the autoshifts suck in slippery weather or on loose gravel or dirt, Volvo included. I drove a Volvo I shift for R&L for 18 months in a city operation and HATED it. The only thing worse was the transmission in the Paccar crap. It was neat how 1/2 the fleet froze up and wouldn’t go into gear and had to be drug to the shop to thaw out. Great times. Happened several days each year over the last 4 years I was there
    Oxbow, OldeSkool and Concorde Thank this.
  7. LTL Bull

    LTL Bull Road Train Member

    Mar 12, 2020
    AD3AC826-65D2-404D-9F4C-3C389C7900E7.jpeg Ran this piece of garbage out to Somerset Pennsylvania yesterday. My regular ride is in the shop. This thing spun on a tiny grade going into the industrial park
    Oxbow, OldeSkool and Concorde Thank this.
  8. BlackjackCo

    BlackjackCo Light Load Member

    Mar 29, 2024
    Push in on end of shifter (push towards steering column) to put in manual. Do same when ready to return to auto.

    Im in 2025 W990 with TX-18 from Eaton. I was worried about the automatic in ice/snow/mud and climbs. I haven't had an issue in 114000 miles once I set Jake to 15 mph kick in vs factory's 35 mph.

    I haven't had super snow ice day yet, but definitely mud and slick feed lots in rain. I run UT/ID/Northern NV. So far no problems. I actually have come to really like it.

    Maybe different brands are more problematic. But with the tx-18's "hill assist" and "urge to move" features I've had zero issues even starting from complete stop going up 8% grades loaded at 115,000+ GVW.

    As far as changing gears on you in manual.... If you aren't paying attention and you are in the wrong gear for rpms and speed the computer will change gears to prevent damage. (This is with lots of leeway.... Ie: I haven't seen that occur except when you don't down shift while coming to a stop and rpms are below 900-1000 or coming down hill too hot and rpms are above 2200). I tested that out on one of my first runs across NV on US-50 with 15+ 4-10% passes.

    If you remember to shift in proper rpm ranges (just as we did in our manuals) the truck and transmission works great.

    I'm still a newer driver compared to most of you guys (only 4 years). But I drive 100+ to this year 140+ thousand miles each of those years. I was running 18 speed manuals till I got this truck in March. So far I love this one after putting 113000+ miles on it. Especially in traffic. Took a little time to get used to some of the tricks of when to use manual modes (coming down steep hills where you want med or hi Jake's without auto thinking you want to stop and trying to drop 2+ gears at a time to slow you).

    But it's been great.and though I m a company driver not worried about fuel ... It does get 1-1.5 more mpg avg than the manuals were getting.
  9. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Are you saying that no matter how slight is the amount of pressure to put on the gas pedal the tire spins, even if you concentrate very very hard on putting the smallest amount of pressure the wheels stil spin, or when you put normal pressure on the gas pedal it spins more than in a past truck?
    striker and Oxbow Thank this.
  10. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    The transmission has a manual/auto switch. Can you & have you used that switch and seen a display on the dash change when you activate the switch? Yes or no only please?

    The ECM can ask tranny to shift for power or shift for MPG. If it is not staying in the gear you select it because you are either causing RPMs or road speed to get out of the normal range for that gear & that weight & that grade.

    Most drivers look at the truck with a slack jaw & grunt but do not read the manual, do not use the controls properly & do not describe the situation in detail. They just convey frustration. Trying to help via text is like trying to talk a passenger through landing a plane after the pilot dies. It requires a carp ton of words because words are all that CAN be used in a forum.

    There is a technique to keep a gear in manual mode. It involves use of the shift paddle AND keeping RPMs in the normal range. Most drivers want a magic mind-reading transmission that also will accept a lot of driver inattention & rushing. Impossible.
    Sirscrapntruckalot and OldeSkool Thank this.
  11. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    There are usually driver techniques that can minimize the tranny problem or work with the logic programmed into the computer involved. But some drivers just want what they want & don't adapt. Worst of both worlds collide, present company excepted.
    striker and jdchet Thank this.
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