DrtyDiesel Goes Back OTR

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by DrtyDiesel, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. DrtyDiesel

    DrtyDiesel Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2010
    Jacksonville, FL
    Yes I was, went to Orlando and back. Picked up a street sweeper broom from CAT/RingPower
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  3. DrtyDiesel

    DrtyDiesel Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2010
    Jacksonville, FL
    I also finally stopped by the I75 Chrome Shop and fell in love. Got a tshirt and some can coolers, no chrome yet though haha.

    If I ever buy my own truck I know where I'm going, I want this if I get a newer Pete

    ImageUploadedByTapatalk 21375834159.662122.jpg
    ImageUploadedByTapatalk 21375834169.977395.jpg
  4. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    I saw you, should have talked to you on the radio but wasn't quite sure if it was you or not. You couldn't miss me, old Orange and Blue Freightshaker with Global Tire Recycling on the door and the trailer. I passed you just past the I-4 headed south.
  5. DrtyDiesel

    DrtyDiesel Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2010
    Jacksonville, FL
    Oh ok 10-4 bro, ill keep a look out next time then. The truck sounds familiar
  6. DrtyDiesel

    DrtyDiesel Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2010
    Jacksonville, FL
    In Gainesville, got here at 9am and have been moving my equipment over to my new truck.

    Was done at 1330, but then had to have someone in maintenance show me the APU controls, def info, and a few other things then had to sign off a sheet saying I understood it all.

    Now I'm waiting on a load, most likely won't get anything this late on a Friday, I'm gonna wait till 430 then most likely head up to the flying j north of here. I gotta get clothes washed, get fuel, and top off my DEF.

    ImageUploadedByTapatalk 21376081386.938565.jpg
    ImageUploadedByTapatalk 21376081428.771444.jpg
  7. drozzer69

    drozzer69 Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2012
    Spring, TX
    From a Pete to a KW! Very jealous. Still slip seating on my company but maybe not for long. Could probably end up with a 09' or 10' freightliner. Glad things are going good for you DD. I'm over in Bellmead for the night. Drop and hook here and head back to Palestine.
    DrtyDiesel Thanks this.
  8. txqtrucker

    txqtrucker Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    bryan, texas
    Question for LST veterans. What do you guys think, should I start orientation in November or wait until January 2014 based on the freight and the holidays. I almost finished taking care of some things I need to do before orientation. But I am positive about coming to LST
  9. 379exhd

    379exhd Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    rolling through hell
    Uh oh looks like you lost your peter bud. Lmfao. Hope you like the new rig. Looks good hope she treats you well and she runs out alright for you. Hope you get yourself a good load to test her out with. Be safe out there bud!
    DrtyDiesel Thanks this.
  10. txqtrucker

    txqtrucker Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    bryan, texas
    Question? What do you think, should I start orientation in November or wait until January 2014 based on the freight and the holidays. I almost finished taking care of some things I need to do before orientation. But I am positive about coming to LST.
  11. DrtyDiesel

    DrtyDiesel Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2010
    Jacksonville, FL
    If i were you, id wait till january. Theres quite a few people who have quit due to slow freight now.... So I'd weight.
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